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by RX8er
Sat May 25, 2013 3:13 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Dewhurst talks up special session, including gun bill(s)
Replies: 20
Views: 13620

Re: Dewhurst talks up special session, including gun bill(s)

I got my email from TSRA the other day about it.
We Expect A Special Session and Need Your Help
Once again, TSRA members, we need your help.

Contact Governor Perry!

The Texas Legislature gavels to a close on regular session on May 27th and Governor Perry is expected to call a special session. It may begin immediately. Special sessions are called by the Governor when the business of running the state has not been completed. We consider this urgent business.

We need Concealed Carry on Campus to be added to the "call".

This issue has been fully vetted by both the House and the Senate over the past three legislative sessions. It has passed out of every committee hearing and passed in both chambers, House and Senate.

This session the issue was halted by a Democratic Caucus block in the Senate after the bill passed in the Texas House.

In order to bring any legislation to the Senate floor for discussion or debate, Senate rules require a 2/3s vote. With 31 State Senators, this means 21 must agree by vote to hear the legislation. Bills then pass or fail by a simple majority. There are 19 Republicans. Two Democratic Senators stopped the process.

This was not a disagreement on public safety.

The resistance was wholly political in nature. Members of the state party testified in committee that stopping this issue was a priority in their state platform. The Senate Democrats responded to their party.

In House and Senate committees, students, returning from military service in combat zones, testified to their disappointment at having protected the country only to return to college and not be allowed to protect themselves. Remember a licensee must be 21 years old, submit to a finger print background check, pass the DPS-written course of material and shoot the prescribed course of fire.

Why would this issue pass in a Special Session?

There is no 2/3s rule during a Special Session.

Students for Conceal Carry on Campus is a national association which evolved out of the tragedy at Virginia Tech. They've done their job, we need to complete ours.

Please contact Governor Perry and politely urge our Governor to add personal protection on college and university campuses to the "Call".

Contact The Governor Link

Bill status can be found and" onclick=";return false; can be read and researched at and bills can be read on line at Texas Legislature on Line

Don't forget to contribute to the TSRA-PAC. Political Action Committee funds help pro-gun candidates. We need to support those who support us. Go to" onclick=";return false; or call 512-615-4200. Make a donation, join the association or up-grade your membership.

Keep the Faith,

Alice Tripp
Legislative Director

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