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by neal6325
Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:25 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Caucus Count
Replies: 20
Views: 14804

Re: Caucus Count

macktruckturner wrote:I actually think we agree far more than we disagree, though I place Clinton as a greater destructive force than the half-brained Obama. He simply lacks the experience to be as destructive as Clinton. Clinton has been destroying, in one capacity or another, the nation for over decade. At any rate, all three will cause significant damage to the core of this country. It can be rebuilt, at least I hope so, but it will be, without doubt, severely damaged by the next administration. What I do not understand, however, is the focus on a single individual. The President of the United States of America is a lofty office to be sure, one with great power, but not one with unlimited power. Congress however, is a body of hundreds of men and women, collectively holding an equally massive level of power - and at present date grossly abusing that power, while also failing to appropriately check that of the POTUS. We could elect the single greatest President of all time, but with a broken Congress, that President would still get nothing done.

I conceed that the next administration will in fact do great damage to a document we've both sworn to support and defend, but we are not without long term options. Our nation was not built in a day, and it won't be destroyed in one either. For anything to positively change, we need to fix our conventions first, and run Statesmen against the career politicians in Congress next. Should that take place during my lifetime, we might have a fighting chance.

I think the main reason that the make up of the Congress is on the back burner is that at this point the ability to override a presidential veto does not yet exist. Additionally, the ability to nominate vacancies on the court lies with the POTUS. Without a nomination Congress does not get to play. Should Congress swing either way, left or right, with enough of a majority it will start to become important to the masses. I do believe we could agree on more than disagree....I believe the frustation felt by many is that for a majority of the population there is not a candiate that they can get behind. Right now the thing that really scares the heck out of me is Obama gaining enough popularity as a result of pure retoric that, if elected, Congress will give him what he wants so they do not look like the bad guy....that is a scenerio in which things could go south in a hurry.

It is nice to see the passion in the dialouge these days however and it has been missing from politics for awhile.
by neal6325
Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:53 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Caucus Count
Replies: 20
Views: 14804

Re: Caucus Count

Honestly, I can not claim to know who will do more, or less damage. McCain probably has no clue what he's going to support vs what he's going to not support from one minute to the next. At the very least, that is what his time in Congress has proven. Looking at his record, I have no reason whatsoever to believe he will appoint individuals to the SCOTUS with any more regard for the Constitution than he himself demonstrates. In the end though, destroyed is destroyed. More, or less is purely relative. If I blow out an engine block with a burst of .50 API/T, the vehicle is destroyed. Ditto if I waste it with some 25mm HE. Right now the Constitution is the target, and we get the good fortune to elect the use of a MOAB (Clinton), a GBU12 (Obama), or a good old fashioned AN/M14 TH3 (McCain) for its destruction.
And that is where we differ......McCain may blow the can be rebuilt....Clinton will drive it off a cliff thus totaling it....Obama will blow the darn thing up and tell everyone the change was good. I guess my glass is half full. Like I said it is a vote against not a vote for....My first choice would have been much different but the general population and mainstream media made sure I only had the three to chose from.
by neal6325
Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:29 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Caucus Count
Replies: 20
Views: 14804

Re: Caucus Count

macktruckturner wrote:
neal6325 wrote:McCain may not have been your first choice but he is BY A MILE a better choice if you cherish your right to bear arms.
My allegiance is to the entire Constitution, as I am sworn to support and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. McCain is no friend of the Constitution, harboring no regard for the 1st, 4th, or 5th amendments (at a minimum), he's in the same boat as both Democrats with regard to the 2nd - he is no champion of that right either.

I do not disagree with you having served my 8 years during the first Gulf War I took the same oath. While I do agree with you in regards to McCain.....are you suggesting that either Clinton or Obama would do less damage? Keep in mind they will be appointing Judges to the Supreme Court and I would much rather have McCain doing that then either DEM. We are one Justice away from losing our 2nd ammendement rights and you can bet our 1st, 4th and 5th will take a hit as well. The DEMs are already trying to shut up talk radio with their version of Title IX replacing gender guidlines with content guidelines. They feel all stations need to provide balanced coverage of all points of view. Why do you think the Liberal stations do not make money......hmmm......I guess a free marketplace that the country was founded upon does not matter to them and to heck with free speech......

In the end there are only three candidates with a chance to lead this country right now, of the three I am voting AGAINST Obama and Clinton by casting one for McCain. Were there a better option I would be all over it.
by neal6325
Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:31 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Caucus Count
Replies: 20
Views: 14804

Re: Caucus Count

During the first Clinton administration FFL holders were cut literally in half. We are just now, 8 years later getting back to the pre-Clinton days. We had more bans than we want to discuss and he was just getting started. Hillary would be worse and Obama comes from Illinois....just check out thier abuse to our 2 ammendment rights. If you think they are all the same think again. McCain may not have been your first choice but he is BY A MILE a better choice if you cherish your right to bear arms.

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