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by v7a
Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:05 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51469

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

That having majorities in both has worked so well the last two years.
The President has veto powers under the Constitution. Congress cannot magically overcome that. The solution to this "problem" was to nominate a Republican candidate who could beat Hillary, not to nominate the only candidate who Hillary could beat. People warned during the primary, and the Wikileaks release of Clinton campaign emails has now confirmed, that Hillary wanted Trump as the Republican nominee.
They have handed Barry everything he wanted on a silver platter.
Demonstrably false. Truly astounding that someone could make such a delusional claim on a gun forum. Senate Republicans stopped all the gun control bills that the Democrats tried to pass in Q1 2013 and again more recently with the NoFlyNoBuy bill.

Trump supporters in the primary, however, did hand Hillary what she wanted: Trump as the nominee.
by v7a
Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:00 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51469

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

dale blanker wrote:Scott, I think your analysis is valid except for the people to blame - it's just the Republican primary voters who are so anxious for ANY change that they are willing to ignore conservative commentators and just plain common sense. Amazing. It's sad to see so much desperation
"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." -- HL Mencken
We need to focus on retaining a majority in Congress so that things can't go too far wrong with Hillary.
That is a good idea. Alas:
WaPo wrote:Diana Orrock, a Republican National Committeewoman from Nevada, said she will not vote for Republicans who have pulled their support for Trump — including Rep. Joe Heck (Nev.), who is running for a seat that is critical in the battle for the Senate majority.

Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson tweeted Monday that she could not keep her mobile phone charged “due to the mass volume of texts from people” who plan to vote for Trump but not for other Republicans on the ballot.

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