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by Pariah3j
Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:53 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Antifa going to rally to remove statue of Sam Houston
Replies: 73
Views: 17517

Re: Antifa going to rally to remove statue of Sam Houston

locke_n_load wrote:All, I have been following the events leading up to the protest and counter-protest. I have been very determined to go to the counter-protest, and I actually just bought a mag holder to wear to the event. However, after doing some research, I really think the antifa protest is/was made by a fake account, and that there won't actually be an antifa protest at all. The facebook account that made the june 10th original event was just created 5 weeks ago, and the houston antifa page claims no ownership or affiliation with that page. Also, the Texas antifa page which made the original protest has 0 positive traffic to their page - no comments by anyone in support of their group at all. Which leads me to believe that the creators of the the "This is Texas" facebook group and the creators of the counter antifa protest are actually trolling/scamming everyone, and may even be the same people who created the Texas antifa page. Take it for what it's worth. The this is texas admins post about all this work they are doing and supplies they are buying, and state that they have been in communications with HPD, but don't provide any proof of communications with anyone. I'm in Houston and was planning on going to this, but now I think I will pass. Or maybe wait till 9:30 to see if anyone other than the "this is texas" admin posts that there are actually some antifa people there.
Locke, I am of dual minds on this one.

I saw the back and forth reporting about this and the FB account only being about 5 weeks old, etc. Unless someone more reliable has reported this information, the source of the whole report is very suspect and not reliable.

If the story is correct, it would appear that this whole thing was done to troll people... but then I think about the leftist playbook, about how antifa recruits people to be 'red' and 'yellow' members and the rest are the 'useful idiots' they use to hide behind. Considering they show up, its likely going to be alot of out of state people, and with the intent to stir stuff up. By publicly distancing themselves they can claim to be peaceful, and not the aggressors and spin the whole story as some alt group who started everything. Heck, it might have started out as legit, they saw the push back and legitimate counter protesters that aren't 'the alt-right' and decided to abandon it.

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