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by crazy2medic
Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:58 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

I'm going to attempt to stay off this thread, it just run my blood pressure up!
Trump wasn't made the Republican nominee hy a slim margin or by just a few delegates, Trump was made the nominee with 1600 delegates, almost 3 times more than his closest rival (ted cruz)
Trump fills stadiums with thousands of his supporters, hillary can't fill a modest size room with hers!
Trump is a direct result of the backstabbing Republican establishment, they told us, their base that if we gave them congress that they would stop Obama's agenda, not only did they not stop him, they crawled in bed with him!
I'm voting for Trump, my children and my grandchildren deserve to have a free country to live in, not one ruled by the uniparty elites!
by crazy2medic
Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:46 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

True there is that.
by crazy2medic
Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:25 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

Not a dimes difference between the democrats and the GOPe, the uniparty lives for it's own not for us!
by crazy2medic
Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:28 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

parabelum wrote:crazy2medic, I think that Mr.Blanker has an agenda that's not going to give way to logic and/or reason presented in this thread and/or circumstances we face as a Nation.

It's bash Trump, bash Trump etc. Not once was Hillary's corruption and her devastating anti-2A stance exposed by Mr.Blanker.
I got that feeling also, SOMEBODY has an agenda and it's pointless to discuss this further with that somebody!
by crazy2medic
Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:42 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

And the one truthful thing you can expect from hillary is she WILL try to abrogate the 2nd Amendment, she WILL appoint an anti-gun Supreme Court Justice, given the sure thing of Clinton's socialist tyrannical agenda I'll take the chance with Trump!
by crazy2medic
Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:31 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

joe817 wrote:
parabelum wrote:
dale blanker wrote:
crazy2medic wrote:It's time to pitch a monkey wrench into the corrupt political machine, that monkey wrench is Donald Trump
That is some scary logic. We are talking about the office of President of the United States, aren't we? :confused5
Ok, so what might your proposal/solution be, aside from thrashing the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee?

I am not trying to be rude, but I don't get the point.
I'm thinking that crazy2medic is trying to make a point by saying Trump will disrupt/derail/clean up the corrupt political machine we now have.....

I think. :cool:
You Sir are Correct
by crazy2medic
Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:26 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

Yes we are talking about the President of the United States, and over the last 8 years I have been witness to a President that's sole qualification to be President has been he was a Community organizer, he has ignored the laws of the land duly passed by congress, failed to protect our borders, used the office of the Attorney General to run guns to the drug cartels, used the IRS to go after his political enemies, he has ignored the U.S.Constitution, allowed 4 men in libya to die to coverup his and hillary's gun running to syria to supply ISIS with weapons, I have not only seen the Republican party fail to stop him but have actually crawl in bed with him! So yes the political machine needs a monkey wrench pitched into the gears, the "system" both side of the aisle needs to be show that they will answer to the citizens of this country! Mr.Trump is not beholding to any of them! He at least is talking the way most of us think, people have to have jobs, threats need to be kept out of this country, seal the borders time to have a Presidentthat will do his JOB!
The four boxes left to us by our founding fathers, the soap box has been taken over by the liberal media, the jury box has been abrogated by corrupt activist judges, the ballot box is dangerously close to failure, after that the ammo box will be all we have left, Vote Trump maybe he can drag us back from the abyss.
by crazy2medic
Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:05 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

I enjoy this forum because I am pro 2A and conservative but also follow conservative commentators Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Joe Scarborough and my favorite David Brooks... Could they be right about Trump

Could they be right about Trump? I doubt it, they are political pundits they make a living by their opinions, so many of them have said Trump would never last past October, he did! They said Trump would never be able to secure enough delegates, he did! Nobody makes the fortune that Trump has made by being stupid, he's smart enough to see that people need jobs and that we need to bring home our factories, he sees that we are being attacked by a radical group that murders innocent civilians for an agenda the rest of us don't want in this country, he sees the mistreatment of our veterans by a system that was meant to take care of them for their service to this country! Those pundits along with the Establishment politicians that have stabbed the American citizens in the back are terrified because Trump will dismantle their gravy train! It's time to pitch a monkey wrench into the corrupt political machine, that monkey wrench is Donald Trump
by crazy2medic
Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:13 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

J.R.@A&M wrote:
cb1000rider wrote:
rotor wrote: The right to keep and bear arms means that the government can not do what the British did to our colonial population or what the Nazis did to the Jews in more recent times. The 2nd amendment is to protect you from government, not just the bad guy that breaks into your home. I think in this respect our country is unique. With Obama we are already seeing oppression. When you take your first breath you either buy Obamacare or pay a tax. No freedom of choice. To be alive means you are taxed or must buy a government decided insurance. Didn't see that in The Constitution.
Totally agree that such is the basis for the 2nd amendment.

I definitely don't trust the government, but I feel that it'd be naive of me to think that any amount of civilian firepower would have the capacity to stop a modern government. The Branch Davidians were reasonably well armed and they were only fighting non-military law enforcement. They lost.

Back in the colonial days, a government couldn't launch a drone strike from the other side of the world. The playing field was somewhat level and a well-armed militia could defeat a British force from across the sea. That's simply not true anymore.

There is simply no way that our forefathers could see 200+ years into the future. I'm glad we have 2nd amendment rights, but I really don't think it stops the trolls in congress. Besides, they generally want my money.. Killing the population isn't in their self-interest.

I have seen hesitation on the part of law enforcement to shut down civilians that were operating outside the law, but I think that's more about media coverage the bad press and resulting lawsuits than it is about being unable to find an APC to drive in and shoot people up.
Civilian firepower does not have to outmatch the military in order for an armed citizenry to put a limit on tyranny. And armed citizenry makes it more expensive for the government to come arrest you and whisk you away to an internment camp. That is what happened to countless victims of Soviet, etc. oppression -- they were quietly arrested at midnight by a couple of secret police. You could do that in Stalin's Georgia, but you can't do that in Jimmy Carter's Georgia. You'd have to send a SWAT team, and it would make the news, and it would be both financially and politically expensive.
Add to that once your citizenry figure out that they are truly in a fight and start forcing the government to guard facilities they have never had to guard before it wouldn't be long before they found that there are not enough guards and even the guards are vulnerable!
by crazy2medic
Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:51 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

He's not pulling in liberal women and latinos typically vote democrat anyway cause they want the free stuff, he is pulling in blue collar working class democrats because they want the manufactoring jobs brought back, hillary is losing ground everyday, by november I doubt she will get voted dogcatcher, the whole "he can't win" thing is liberal media smoke screen, they said that stuff about Reagan too!

My conscience and my guns won't let me vote for anything else!
by crazy2medic
Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:16 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

Why is the Second Amendment THE most important issue? Because without the second amendment you become a slave to the State, you must bow down to their power because you have no means to resist. The Second Amendment protects our form of government from the socialists like hillary. Donald Trump is our only choice, there is no other, on the up side is he is pulling demographics that no other republican candidate has, he has put States that typically go demcrat in play, this will be a landslide for Trump. But wether or not that happens can you really vote for a socialist in good conscience? Knowing what she is, knowing what she wants and will do, knowing full well that she truly is a criminal can you really vote for her?
by crazy2medic
Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:04 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

cb1000rider wrote:
rotor wrote: The right to keep and bear arms means that the government can not do what the British did to our colonial population or what the Nazis did to the Jews in more recent times. The 2nd amendment is to protect you from government, not just the bad guy that breaks into your home. I think in this respect our country is unique. With Obama we are already seeing oppression. When you take your first breath you either buy Obamacare or pay a tax. No freedom of choice. To be alive means you are taxed or must buy a government decided insurance. Didn't see that in The Constitution.
Totally agree that such is the basis for the 2nd amendment.

I definitely don't trust the government, but I feel that it'd be naive of me to think that any amount of civilian firepower would have the capacity to stop a modern government. The Branch Davidians were reasonably well armed and they were only fighting non-military law enforcement. They lost.

Back in the colonial days, a government couldn't launch a drone strike from the other side of the world. The playing field was somewhat level and a well-armed militia could defeat a British force from across the sea. That's simply not true anymore.

There is simply no way that our forefathers could see 200+ years into the future. I'm glad we have 2nd amendment rights, but I really don't think it stops the trolls in congress. Besides, they generally want my money.. Killing the population isn't in their self-interest.

I have seen hesitation on the part of law enforcement to shut down civilians that were operating outside the law, but I think that's more about media coverage the bad press and resulting lawsuits than it is about being unable to find an APC to drive in and shoot people up.
by crazy2medic
Tue Jun 14, 2016 5:03 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51462

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

We have two choices for president, the harpy or Trump, anybody you vote for except Donald Trump is a vote against you right to a firearm, someday the Government will come for the guns and we will have no choice but to open that last box, lets not make it happen in the next 4yrs

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