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by Jusme
Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:00 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Matt Damon Dreams of Gun Confiscation in America
Replies: 26
Views: 7138

Re: Matt Damon Dreams of Gun Confiscation in America

The Annoyed Man wrote:
rotor wrote:Actors have one talent and that is reading a script and converting that into a character and even that needs a director. The intelligence to write that script is missing in most of them. A parrot can be trained to speak, it doesn't make them smart. Who cares what they think?
Generally true.......but the analogy falls on its face specifically with Damon. Matt Damon is the co-writer with Ben Affleck of "Good Will Hunting" (1997) and "Gerry" (2002), and with John Krasinski he cowrote the screenplay for "Promised Land (2012). The first of those three titles was a HUGE hit. I agree that what you said is generally true about a lot of the noisy anti-gun pie-holes in Hollwood, but don't make the mistake of failing to respect the intelligence of every one of your enemy's. Yes, a lot of them are dolts, but not all of them are. Some are very smart.......but very wrong. I don't think Obama is a stupid person. I think he is "gifted" with a malevolent intelligence. The problem is that his intelligence is unbridled by a moral center. With Matt Damon, he's actually a pretty smart guy. He just lacks an appreciation of individual liberty. He lacks that appreciation because he has been a pretty rich guy for a long time now, and his wealth has insulated him from the consequences of liberty's loss, so he is not upset by the idea of squashing it for others. Whenever he feels he needs protection, he does like any good liberal, and he just hires someone to get their hands dirty for him.
I agree, there are some very intelligent people who are actors/writers/directors in Hollywood. There are intelligent people in several walks of life who I disagree with. I will defend with my life, their right to speak their mind and express their opinions. I just wish that the general populace would stop worshiping at the alter of entertainment, and stop giving more weight to the opinions of those who they see on the big screen, as if they have more insight into the lives of everyday people, when they live in secluded affluent areas, with assistants to do the drudge work, and have sequestered themselves so far away from the real world. I have been a fan of Matt Damon's work as an actor and screen writer, I still have no issue with his work. I am a fan of several people who I disagree with their lifestyle choices, and their opinions, I just don't give their views any more credence than I do anyone else's.
by Jusme
Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:02 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Matt Damon Dreams of Gun Confiscation in America
Replies: 26
Views: 7138

Re: Matt Damon Dreams of Gun Confiscation in America

I wasn't going to comment, since Matt Damon has shown to be a total hypocrite and I didn't want to waste my thoughts on him, but what amazes me in today's world, is how someone who has chosen acting as a career, suddenly, has their opinion carry more weight than anyone else's. I don't personally care what his opinions are regarding guns, any more than I care what his opinions are about shoe color.

I just don't understand why people, (media members excluded, they have to sell papers and air time) give so much credence to someone who, in the overall scheme of things, has a no more valuable opinion, than the clerk at the local convenience store. Neither one of those people speak for me, and they are both equally entitled to their opinions. It just saddens me that there are so many sheep out there, who will believe that a wealthy actor, who makes his living from their patronage, somehow has more insight than the average person, whether it involves gun confiscation, or any other issue. JMHO

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