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by Jusme
Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:25 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 66254

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

thatguyoverthere wrote: Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:28 pm
philip964 wrote: Thu Feb 28, 2019 7:48 pm ... 48527.html

Evidence issue of ex police officer refusing to testify.
From the referenced article:
"Prosecutors say investigators asked to arrange for a voluntary interview with Noor and that he declined through his attorney.
Defense attorneys say prosecutors aren't allowed to use that against Noor in court because he has a constitutional right not to make any self-incriminating statements.
But prosecutors argue that they can use a defendant's pre-arrest silence if the defendant was under no government-imposed compulsion to speak.
"In sum, the defendant had a choice on whether to tell his side of the story during a voluntary interview in a non-coercive setting," prosecutor Amy Sweasy wrote. "His decision not to do so is relevant."
So we have a right not to speak, but if we exercise that right, our silence can be used against us. I believe that this defendant needs to be held accountable for his action of killing an innocent person, but this tactic of trying to use a person's silence against them by a prosecutor is troubling to me.


While they can use anything you say against you, the Fifth amendment protects you from being forced to provide testimony against yourself. Conversely, using your right to refuse to give statements, is also protected. It sounds like they are trying to do an end around on the Fifth amendment.
This guy needs to be prosecuted, in my opinion, but not at the expense of Constitutional rights. If they are able to do that, in this case, then it can be done to anyone. JMHO
by Jusme
Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:42 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 66254

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

WTR wrote:Interesting to note that after all these weeks, no conclusions have been reported by the Police. I guess the city and the Police are just hoping this goes away.

I know that if I shot someone, conclusions about my culpability, would be determined much faster. And I don't have body cams, dash cams, etc. for them to use as evidence. JMHO
by Jusme
Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:35 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 66254

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

philip964 wrote: ... ne-damond/

Afterwards police get a warrant and search the dead, Australian, caucasian, bride to be, blonde, 40 year old, woman, in pajamas, apartment.

Apparently they did not find drugs or a gun or we would know about it. You can see the head line- Woman Shot by Police had Guns and Drugs in Her Apartment. That would obviously make the murder ok.

Someone raised an interesting point, how many on duty police officers have been killed by Caucasian women in lets say, the last 100 years?

Do police perceive Caucasian women in their 40's in pajamas as threats? Or was it just this one police officer?

Would it be profiling to not consider them a threat?

It reminds me a little of the Dirty Harry movie, where he loses the shooting contest.

It's very easy to keyboard quarterback, a situation while sitting in a well lit, room, with much more facts than police had, who were answering this call. I am not going to defend, or condemn, the LEO in question, until more facts are present. But I know that at night, in an unfamiliar place, with a person coming towards you, with "something" in their hand, it is very difficult, to determine that person's motives, or what they are holding. Hindsight is always 20/20, and because we now know, that it was a 40 something year blonde woman, in PJ's, holding a cell phone, does not mean, that all of that was easily seen, in the situation, the officers were in. Again, I am withholding an opinion, on this case, until we have more facts. But I can see, how the sudden appearance of an unexpected person, in the dark, when looking for a possible intruder, could make someone a little jumpy. I pray for the family, and friends of the victim, and pray that justice is served, no matter the outcome. I also pray for the officer, because I know the last thing they ever want to do, is kill an innocent person. JMHO
by Jusme
Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:46 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 66254

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

WTR wrote:The Poice Chief did not make a statement until today because she was on a back packing trip......Really.

I know that we live in an insantaeous Information Age, and we want to know what happened before the smoke clears, but right now all we have are press releases. There will be an investigation, all potential witnesses will be interviewed, forensic evidence will be collected, and all information will be presented to the DA.

If an unknown person shot somebody, we are more patient, but because MSM, left wing activists, etc.. believe we should have a police officer either charged or exonerated, within minutes, does not mean, that is how the system works. I don't know anything about the police chief, but taking a vacation, is not a denegrating factor. It is a high stress, high profile job, that requires, long hours, and 24/7 scrutiny. I have no opinion on the incident, because opinions, don't hold sway, in the criminal justice system. JMHO

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