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by ScottDLS
Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:18 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51470

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

Bitter Clinger wrote: ...
Exactly. The entire establishment are corrupt. Time to clean house. Can't wait to hear: "Ryan, you're fired!"!
'Cause we all know that the Speaker of House of Representatives serves at the pleasure of the President...Maybe Trump's "coat tails" will flip the House Democrat and Nancy Pelosi will be the one saying "You're fired" to Ryan.... :confused5
by ScottDLS
Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:04 am
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51470

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

Bitter Clinger wrote:
dale blanker wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
dale blanker wrote:
We need to focus on retaining a majority in Congress so that things can't go too far wrong with Hillary.
That having majorities in both has worked so well the last two years. They have handed Barry everything he wanted on a silver platter. They will give the shrew everything she wants as well.
Yes, but it could have been much worse - with more gun control, an immigration plan with a path to citizenship for illegals, and a liberal appointment to SCOTUS.

Which reminds me: whatever happened to Ryan's "agenda"? Maybe Trump is worth a try, as disgusting as he is... :confused5
Really Dale? " could have been much worse"? Are you living under a rock?
James Comey and Loretta Lynch Should Be Impeached for Whitewashing Clinton’s Crimes
Former federal prosecutor says that Hillary obstructed justice and destroyed evidence—with the support of the president himself ... ns-crimes/
Except for 2 years the Democrats were a majority in Congress and filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Then Repubs gained a small majority in the Senate in 2014... So if the House impeaches anybody, where are you going to round up the 67 votes in the Senate to convict? Maybe Trump will flip 14 seats in the Senate this year when he wins hugely.... :banghead:
by ScottDLS
Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:29 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51470

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

If Trump loses to the worst Democrat candidate since George McGovern it will be due to:

-His complete lack of coherent political positions...or even coherent thought for that matter
-Total ignorance of the issues, and more importantly the Constitution
-Infantile temperament
-Surrounding himself with people even stupider than himself, as long as they tell the Orange emperor that his (made in China) clothes look great.

The people to blame for his loss will be the Democrats and know nothing Republican minority who voted for him in the Republican primary over 16 other candidates who could have wiped the mat with Hillary (even Jeb!).

It will not be due to Glenn Beck or Jonah Goldberg or the #NeverTrump people or RedState or Heritage.

If David Duke was the nominee against Hillary, would you vote for him just to hopefully to keep Hillary out?

Most Republicans will hold their nose and vote for the Clown, but that's not who he needs to win...he needs the Independents and women and minority voters that he's gone out of his way to insult. Now he's intent on taking the rest of the Republicans down with him. Too bad, we would have all been better off with Lyin' Ted, Little Marco, That Face Fiorina, or (maybe) even Low Energy Jeb! Even Gov. Gun Ban Krispy Kreme Christie...

But we gotta have our Wall...and make those dirty bad guys south of the border pay for it, so now we'll get 11 million new Democrat citizens by the Evil Queen's executive fiat. That'll show those "establishment" RINO's. :mad5
by ScottDLS
Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:06 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51470

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

We all get it...he's not a Clinton...too bad all the Republican primary voters stuck us with this poop sandwich against Hillary. :banghead:

Even Jeb! would have been better. But, of course, NO ONE saw this coming from the oh so conservative, 2nd amendment supporting, working man hero....the great white (non-Latino) hope...the Trump. :mad5

Congrats Trump supporters...YOU elected HIllary.
by ScottDLS
Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:28 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51470

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

Lynyrd wrote:Scott, while I agree that every elected official should honor and uphold our Constitution, it was Congress who passed the 22nd Amendment limiting a president to two terms. Who is going to limit the terms of Congress? The president can't. The supreme court can't, and the states won't take action.
Oh I agree. The way to go is Convention of States, which is an amendment process that bypasses Congress. It still requires 3/4 of the States to approve any amendments proposed, so the worry about a "runaway convention" is silly.

That's the only Constitutional way to do it. Otherwise, we give up, or start a war...which I am not advocating.
by ScottDLS
Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:33 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51470

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

Lynyrd wrote:
bdgyeah wrote:I like Trump. I will truly sleep better if he wins. That being said. I would love for him, as his last act as President, Make an Executive order eliminating the Power of the President to make executive orders, and any other potential way that takes away the power of the Congress by whomever may hold the office of the President.
And limit Congress to 12 years. Two terms for senators, 6 for representatives.
I would like him to in his FIRST act as President to declare himself dictator and make all previous executive orders void, then dismiss Congress and then do everything else we would like.....which would be about as Constitutional as banning executive orders and binding future Congresses....So what I would REALLY like to see him do is act Constitutionally unlike Obama or President Hillary and leave the lawmaking to the States and Congress and Constitutional changes to the Amendment process that we've had for....oh...225 years or so.... :banghead:
by ScottDLS
Tue Jun 14, 2016 5:44 pm
Forum: Anti-gun propaganda and other lies!
Topic: Still won't vote for Trump?
Replies: 232
Views: 51470

Re: Still won't vote for Trump?

A vote for Trump in the Republican primary was a vote for Clinton, since he has no chance of winning the general...I'll vote for him for all the good it will do, just since I'll already be there for the down ticket races. I sure won't stay home or vote for a 3rd party.

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