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by jdm
Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:21 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

OK, it's over. The good guys lost. We have to accept that and prepare for what will happen next.

If the AWB of 1994 is re-enacted, I think we will live. If ammo is taxed, we will still live. Does anyone believe there will be door-to-door confiscations of weapons?

Has anyone read the proposed HR 1022 :" onclick=";return false;:
It looks like AWB plus; adding more firearms by name. I can't parse the grandfather clause statement. I hope it means that you can keep what you already have.
by jdm
Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:33 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

iratollah wrote:jdm, it appears that you've never run a business. You'd hire Obama as a salesman over Palin? Really? I guess it depends on what you're selling. Regardless, the position we're discussing isn't for salesman, so other attributes come into play. I did hear a highly regarded polysci professor suggest that we should have two presidents: one to look good for the cameras/press and one to run the country.
Obama can sell ice to Eskimos. He is the most politically left and liberal Senator, both in IL and in the US Congress. His thin record is consistent on anti-gun, pro-abortion, take from the rich and give to the poor.
One of his political patrons and sponsors is an unrepentant even 20 years later terrorist that attempted to kill Americans on American soil. He had a convicted felon swing a house deal for him and got away with it. With Obama's salesmanship and the help of the main stream media, most of America thinks of him as moderate.

Palin can be a cheerleader, and can certainly sell. Obama can look at the camera in the eye through the teleprompter and have you believe anything, no matter how inconsistent it is. Many lower class people truly think of him as a messenger from God.

Isn't the two president model the parlementary model? Russia has Mendelev to look pretty and Putin to be ugly and make the decisions. Maybe we already have that with Bush and Cheney...
by jdm
Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:37 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

After interviewing them in person, I am sure Obama would be hired over Palin as the best salesman or presenter. Is Obama someone you would hire over Palin to make the correct decisions to run a profitable private business? Has he ever run a profitable private business? He does a great job of getting the government and people to give him money, but that is more salesmanship and favor selling than business acumen.

This is all just talking though. Back to the subject relevant to this board. Obama is gonna win. He and Pelosi and the rest will eventually make it difficult or impossible to own, purchase, or carry firearms, ammunition, and ammunition supplies. It will happen, not as a first priority, but it will happen.

If, as a voter, you think you are punishing Bush, McCain, or the Republican party for the economy, bailout, "torture", or the Iraq war by voting for Obama, that is your right. But as someone who takes the time to read and post to these boards, you also need to take into account your interest in self defense and the shooting sports and weigh that against your "protest". The expression is "cutting off your nose to spite your face".
by jdm
Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:34 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

Sadly, if you created a resume for Palin and Obama, without reference to politcal party, political philosophy, race, or sex, Palin would be the better qualified choice for an executive position like the president. And that is the VP postion of the ticket vs the president position.
by jdm
Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:00 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

I would have assumed that in his long military career, Colin Powell would have shown bravery. His endorsement of Obama, coming when Obama is ahead in the polls and the election weeks away is a sign of cowardace. He could have been brave and endorsed Obama back in the Democrat primary but didn't.

I think Powell is just angling for job in the new administration. Hopefully he will stand up to Obama better than he did to Bush when asked to lie to the UN or American public.
by jdm
Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:28 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

I agree with the general concencus that talk of hiding firearms can be taken wrong and that if you have any secrets, putting them out on this forum is not wise. I though a few days about this before I posted. I figure that ""We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." (Benjamin Franklin)
and share general knowledge before it is too late.

I am interested in the mechanics of firearm and ammunition preservation. I have removed a lot of cosmoline from rifles but never applied it. How do you get it in the barrel? Is there a substitute that preserves the firearm, but also does not need to be cleaned off? Is a lot of gun oil good enough? Can the firearm be shrinkwrapped or vacuum bag packed and be protected as well as cosmoline would? Can ammunition be oiled to preserve it? Will steel cased Wolf last as long as brass?
by jdm
Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:49 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

Gun owners and CHL holders are more "prepared" than the average citizen. Gun owners generally have a few days of food in the house, a flashlight with working batteries, and keep at least 1/4 tank of gas in their car. The mindset that guides us to be proficient with and carry a weapon also guides us to think about and be prepared to overcome other bad situations.

I brought this subject up to find out what other forward thinking prepared people are considering doing when the Obama led federal government decides to violate gun owners clear second amendment rights. Based on the Obama campaign's haraassment of WGN radio in Chicago, and TV stations showing the NRA campaign ads, they are willing to restrict our clear 1st amendment rights. Their mode of operation is to get the job done NOW, then let the court tell them they were wrong well after the damage has been done. They accuse the Bush administration of doing this, but I think they learned well. Similar to NOLA, I believe they will prohibit ammunition, bullet, powder, and firearm sales or possesion, and confiscate and destroy privately owned weapons. When the case against this hits the Supreme Court 3 years later, the Obama led government at best will say sorry we were wrong. But you will not have your property returned and have no way of legally purchasing any more firearms.

Anybody that thinks we are "gun nuts" have already frozen their opinion, and self censoring our talk does not do us any good.

Back to the topic at hand, how would you hide and protect your weapons and ammunition from bomb sniffing dogs or metal detectors? When the Obama led government goes to the BATF files to get the serial numbers of your weapons, then knocks on the door and says give them up, what will you say? "Sorry, I sold it at a gun show to a Mexican guy? Don't remember his name, Jose Sanchez, maybe? No I didn't check his ID, I don't want to discriminate against hispanics, I assumed he was here legally"

Brainstorm please.
by jdm
Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:11 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

I really hope Obama won't win. I certainly will vote the right way, but there are going to be millions of first time voters for Obama. I attended the Texas Democrat primary caucas and saw a hundred college kids who don't know any better, and entire families from grandma in a wheelchair down to the 18 year old son in full baggy FUBU gear, voting for Obama. They brought their kids, including infants, so eveybody could vote. The Hillary voters were either mom or dad from a family, the kids stayed home and somebody of voting age washome watching them. The media and Chicago democrat machine will take care of the propaganda and fraud to ensure Obama wins. We can work hard and give, but I that will make the eventual defeat more bitter.

Back to the topic at hand...what do we do? Million man (armed) march on DC? Civil disobedience? Stock up on black powder rifles and lead smelting equipment?
by jdm
Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:01 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34878

What to do when Obama wins?

What should us firearm owners do when Obama wins? It is pretty clear to me that he will win the election, maybe not the popular vote, but certainly the electoral vote.

I know he will take away our firearms and ammunition. I know this is possible based on what happened in Australia. Any legislation that a new Democrat controlled congress passes and Obama signs will not be a joke like the Assault Weapons Ban. The legislation will have teeth and actually confiscate semi-automatic weapons, firearms with detachable magazines, require existing weapns to be retrofitted with expensive computer controlled trigger locks, microstamped firing pins, etc.

Even if the law gets eventually overturned by the supreme court, the damage will be done. Your weapons will be gone and there will be no way to get them back.

Does any have plans to bury your firearms somewhere? Where can a buy a gallon tub of cosmoline? :???:

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