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by rtaylor
Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:36 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: Gun Rights in Peril-Hussen Nobama in Whitehouse
Replies: 5
Views: 5935

Gun Rights in Peril-Hussen Nobama in Whitehouse

Gun Rights in Peril
Barack Obama in the White House; many pro-gunners out of Congress

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408" onclick=";return false;

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Based on his voting record in the Illinois state senate and in the
U.S. Senate, President-elect Barack Obama will be the most
anti-Second Amendment president in the history of America.

In January, the new President will govern alongside congressional
leadership, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid, who are also extremely hostile to gun rights and who now
enjoy greatly expanded majorities.

There can be little doubt about the direction in which gun rights are
headed. The questions are how far will the anti-gunners go and how
fast will they move?

Many comparisons have been made to the first two years of the first
Clinton Administration, in which one party controlled both ends of
Pennsylvania Avenue.

Almost all experts agree that it was Clinton's overreaching on issues
like gun control that cost his party control of Congress. Barack
Obama will start out governing with even larger majorities than did

Obama ran a campaign high on rhetoric and short on specifics. The
President-elect claims he will govern from the middle, but the
question for gun owners is which Obama will show up at the White
House -- the "centrist" from the campaign trail, or the radical
anti-Second Amendment extremist who supports gun bans, waiting
periods for firearm purchases, one gun a month restrictions, and

His party's large gains in the Congress give the incoming President
more room to maneuver with a radical agenda.

An equally important question is the outlook for gun rights in the
new Congress. That Obama will sign any anti-gun bill that gets to
his desk is a certainty. But what can gun owners expect from the new

Hopes of Congressional restraint on gun issues dimmed with each
election return as Pelosi's and Reid's majorities grew to historic

While there are many moderately pro-gun Democrats in Congress,
they're not the ones calling the shots. The leadership is completely
in the anti-gun camp, so expanding their majority would have a
negative impact on gun rights regardless of who filled those seats.

Unfortunately, though, many seats that flipped parties also went from
strong pro-gun to strong anti-gun. Gun owners suffered heavy losses
in the Senate. Here's a look at five Senate seats that switched
parties (all switches went from Republican to Democrat).

Colorado -- The retirement of A-rated Senator Wayne Allard set up a
battle between anti-gun Rep. Mark Udall and pro-gun former Rep. Bob
Schaffer. This is one of three senate seats that flipped from
"A" to

New Hampshire -- Pro-gun Senator John Sununu was defeated by F-rated
former governor Jeanne Shaheen, another "A" to "F" shift.

New Mexico -- Long-time Senator Pete Domenici, who was D-rated and
usually voted against gun owners, was replaced by F-rated Congressman
Tom Udall. Udall defeated A-rated Representative Steve Pearce,
making this a big loss for gun owners.

North Carolina -- Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole ran as a pro-gun
control candidate for president in 2000. Since being elected to the
Senate from the Tar Heel state, however, Mrs. Dole compiled a good
pro-gun record. Dole's defeat at the hands of F-rated anti-gunner
Kay Hagan is a dramatic flip for gun rights.

Virginia -- F-rated Republican John Warner retired. Former governor
Mark Warner (no relation) trounced "A" rated Jim Gilmore, also a
former governor. Either of the candidates would have been an
improvement over the retiring Senator, but Mark Warner refused to
answer the GOA survey and has a mixed record on gun issues.

In the battle for the U.S. House of Representatives, gun owners also
were hit hard.

Of the 18 incumbents who were defeated, 15 were pro-gun (only two
were replaced by a pro-gunner). Of particular disappointment to gun
owners were the losses of Republican representatives Marilyn Musgrave
(CO-4), Tom Feeney (FL-24), Bill Sali (ID-1), and Tim Walberg (MI-7).
These representatives were among the most ardent Second Amendment

In the 32 open House seats, the results were mixed. Thirteen seats
went to A-rated candidates, while six went to F-rated anti-gunners.
Nine new congressmen are "Not Rated," meaning they have no
record and
refused to fill out a GOA questionnaire. Four new members fall
somewhere in the middle, leaning toward a pro-gun position but no
guarantees. Note: a handful of close races across the country are
obviously headed for recounts, but this is how things look at the

The A-rated winners in open seat elections are: Tom McClintock (R-CA)
(this race is still subject to change), Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Bill
Posey (R-FL), Mike Coffman (R-CO), Debbie Halvorson (D-IL), Aaron
Schock (R-IL), Brett Guthrie (R-KY), Erik Paulsen (R-MN), Blaine
Luetkemeyer (R-MO), Christopher Lee (R-NY), Glenn Thompson (R-PA),
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY). These
representatives will have their work cut out for them, as the new
Congress has moved decidedly in the anti-gun direction and many
pro-gun leaders were defeated.

All in all, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid can’t help but be emboldened
by their gains and there can be no denying that gun control
legislation is on their agenda.

So what can gun owners and sportsmen do to help prevent a gun control
tidal wave? Get involved and stay engaged!

Gun Owners of America will continue its efforts as Capitol Hill's
no-compromise gun lobby. But GOA's effectiveness depends on your
activism. Please continue to send the e-mails to your congressmen,
and forward GOA Action Alerts to pro-gun friends.

If you are not a member of Gun Owners of America, please join today
at" onclick=";return false; so that you can start
receiving our newsletters and other important gun rights information.

The entire Congress needs to know that we're watching, and if they
attempt to ban even one firearm or expand unconstitutional gun
control in any way they will pay at the polls in the next election.


Are You A Bitter Clinger?

Who is a Bitter Clinger? According to Barack Obama, who was
recorded unawares at a San Francisco fundraiser, bitter clingers are
voters who are bitter because of their economic frustration and so
bitterly to their Bibles and their guns.

If you are a bitter clinger, Gun Owners of America has a T-shirt for

You can proudly proclaim your membership in this class of people so
looked down upon by the elites in our country.

To see the Bitter Clinger T-shirt, and for ordering information, go
to:" onclick=";return false;

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