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by puma guy
Thu May 23, 2024 2:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director
Replies: 21
Views: 2929

Re: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director

2farnorth wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 9:05 am Based on puma guy's post above: This sounds more and more like an assassination. Why would they tape the ring door bell.... They didn't want to be identified before they gained entry.. I must say that if had been me I too would be dead in the same situation. I think our governor needs to ban ATF enforcement actions in our state until this is resolved and punitive actions taken against the raiders.
Some facts. Beside the door bell cover, they killed the power and most likely jammed electronic and internet access before the raid. It gets worse. The ATF and Littlerock forces gathered predawn at a WalMart on March 12 to execute a raid, but discovered Malinowski and his wife were not home and cancelled the raid. A clear indication they were after the person of Bryan Malinowski without any arrest warrant because he had committed no crime. Clearly a subterfuge to get him. They could have searched the home with the very same tactic of breaking down the door, but any sound minded person would know the guns weren't the main objective. Instead they gathered again at a Walmart predawn on March 19 withe the same 10 vehicle convoy to Malinowki's home dressed like soldiers in a middle east raid to execute a no knock raid and we see the result. One congress man asked him to apologize to Malinowski's wife and even then he filibustered about how an ATF was shot, but he failed to mention the Malinoski was firing warning shots at the feet of the dark figures encountered in his blacked out entry hall and that it was a ricochet that hit one guy in the foot.
Dettelbach appeared before the committee this morning and dodged almost every pertinent question about the raid and the laws that Malinowski . When asked how many guns are required to be sold to require an FFL and he repeatedly stated enforcement is based on conduct and intent not numbers subject to interpretation of the ATF. So the ATF are now mind readers and subscribers to Minority Report logic. Democrats used their time mostly for saying how this makes us safer and talking points on the need for more gun laws.

by puma guy
Wed May 22, 2024 10:22 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director
Replies: 21
Views: 2929

Re: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director-Congressional Committee Investigation

The first session of what will apparently continue The House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee holds a hearing on the ATF raid on Bryan Malonowski's home. Lawyer for the family demanded body camera footage, but in violation of Little Rock Police rules their officer did not have them and ATF also violated the requirement. ATF put tape over the Ring camera and the power was cut to the home before they kicked the door down. From the time the Ring camera was blocked and Malinowski was shot in the head 57 seconds elapsed. Putting myself in a situation like being waking up to a dark house with some one kicking my door down, orienting myself, finding my glasses, shaking the cob webs out and and getting my gun to defend my family from an intrusion would take some time. Apparently it took Malinowski 57 seconds confront unknown intruders in his home and die. At least that's the time lapse from the taped camera to his being shot. You will hear in the video that the firearms supposedly "used in a crime" that he sold were found in traffic stops and subsequent possession of marijuana and a gun. Jim Jordon sent a letter to the ATF for all information and documents related and has received nothing. He has called Dettlebach to appear before the committee May 23.
If they can do this a man like Malonowski none of us are safe.
by puma guy
Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:01 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director
Replies: 21
Views: 2929

Re: No place but home- ATF raid on Airport Director

philip964 wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:09 am
philip964 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:47 am

Director of Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport's home raided by ATF, homeowner is killed in gunfire during no knock 6am raid.

Guns and ammunition removed from home.

Arkansas authorities looking into whether deadly force was properly used. ... 06999.html

Didn’t wear body cams, in violation of their rules.
If anyone believes they didn't have body cams they believe the ATF is their friend and the government always tells the truth. The footage most likely was incriminating for the agents and was destroyed.
by puma guy
Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:14 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director
Replies: 21
Views: 2929

Re: No place but Arkansas- Clinton Airport Director shot dead by ATF

E10 wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 12:38 pm Probably flaunting the law, but there surely is a better, safer way to do it. This bravado, no-knock stuff gets people killed. The wounded ATF agent was very lucky.
In my opinion there was a much, much better way. Keep in mind the man had no pending charges against him. He was suspected of violating the tenets of the 4473 from by quickly selling purchased firearms and made one apparently in a sting and strangely they didn't arrest him at that time. In a private sale which is what the man engaged in, albeit in violation, there is no requirement to verify the buyer is legally able to own a firearm. They mention they found guns in possession of illegal owners, but no mention if they actually bought from him or acquired them from someone else. Serving a search warrant would only be for the many firearms he had purchased still in his possession. Those guns were legally purchased from what was iterated in the article. It is not against the law to purchase 150 firearms as far as I am aware. Having no charges against him nor arrests he was in legal possession of those gun, so that evidence couldn't be used for a criminal charge. This was an example of over zealous and power hungry agents.

When I sold guns back in the mid 60's to early 70's we were regularly audited by arrogant, gun hating agents who gleefully looked for errors. The exposure I had to them proved they were all they same. The problems the audits revealed were minor. I.E. a firearm that was in layaway was still in our active sales file. The worst was an agent who came looking for a Marlin 30-30 sale. The person who bought it murdered someone with it in Louisiana. I had made the sale myself and remembered it and the man who purchased it. I was mounting a scope on the rifle and he said he needed ammo and I asked which bullet weight 150gr or 170? He jokingly asked which is better for squirrels and I replied he should get the heavier bullet. Anyway, we gave the agent all the info and showed him the 4473. He had accused us of selling it illegally to an out of state buyer but the 4473 form showed his Texas DL. (Back then an out of state buyer could purchase a long gun) The agent actually (actually there were two) was plenty miffed and guilt tripped me for selling the gun to someone who used it to kill a person. Basically saying if I hadn't sold that weapon an innocent person wouldn't have died. Without considering any ramifications, I said would you say the same thing to a person who sold a car to someone who caused the death of a person with it? Well,that set him off, but good! He demanded to look at every aspect and record of ours sales. Thousands. He spent three days with us. I can't say what I would define him as, but a proctologist would be very familiar with it.
The man didn't deserve to be killed for the crime he was accused of. What if some other family member had reacted with a gun to unknowns breaking down the door? Sorry to be so long winded, but I still think it's a bad shoot and totally unacceptable actions by these agents and the superior who planned it. There were safer alternatives. BTW has anyone seen a factual report it was Malinowski who shot the agent or if it was friendly fire?
by puma guy
Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:04 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director
Replies: 21
Views: 2929

Re: No place but Arkansas- Clinton Airport Director shot dead by ATF

philip964 wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:23 pm No knock raid at 6 am by ATF, with warrant that they won’t release.

Please vote in November.

Update: he is dead.

RIP ... rcna144572

Under investigation for illegal weapons sales.
Tragic outcome. The article states that he had not even been charged with any offense. The investigation is for some gun sales Malinowski made. They could have simply knocked on his door. Bad shoot and bad tactics in my opinion.
This reeks of Clinton's Waco tactics. They wanted to make a big show when they could have arrested Howell aka David Koresh on one of his jogging forays.
by puma guy
Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No place but home- Fed raid on Airport Director
Replies: 21
Views: 2929

Re: No place but Arkansas- Clinton Airport Director shot in head by ATF

He must have been crosswise with Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport. Now they have the ATF doing the dirty work.

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