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by philip964
Sat Sep 23, 2017 4:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Gallbladder and kidney removal.
Replies: 26
Views: 4703

Re: Gallbladder and kidney removal.

bblhd672 wrote:As my ex-wife discovered- letting gall bladder issues go too long can lead to pancreas problems.
I can only tell you my experiences with myself and loved ones.

I didn't know you can pass a gall stone. My 40 year old brother in law tried to. He just knew he was in pain in his stomach area. Felt bad for a few days, complained a lot, wife finally got tired of the complaining and took him to the ER. They said it was indigestion and sent him home.
Two days later still feeling bad, wife took him to his primary care physician. They took one look at him and called an ambulance. He was very close to death. It was a week before, we knew if the was going to live. The gall stone got stuck on the way out. Destroyed his pancreas, so now he is a diabetic, but both his kidneys survived and he is alive. It was 3 months before he could return to work. His wife was also pregnant at the time. So pay attention to gall stone attacks.

My mom suffered from gall stones for some time, finally got it removed. Five years later she died of pancreatic cancer. Is there a relationship? I don't know.

Passed my first kidney stone, when it just plopped in the toilet. No pain nothing. Second, well that was different. Got it blown up with a friggen laser they stuck up, well you don't want to know. My wife's first stone was at 19 second was 3 months after we married. It's sort of an ordinary event at our house. My son now has them he is 35. Got a 1cm stone blown up with a laser. He had four removed with that one surgery. So it's genes. Drink bottled water with low minerals, drive a sports car and ride roller coasters are my only suggestions for kidney stones. ( hard rides break them off before they get too big)

Gall bladders pay attention to.

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