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by chasfm11
Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: "Unnatural evolutionary processes of SARS-CoV-2 variants and possibility of deliberate natural selection"
Replies: 11
Views: 2221

Re: "Unnatural evolutionary processes of SARS-CoV-2 variants and possibility of deliberate natural selection"

RoyGBiv wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:09 am
I recall talking with some Chinese colleagues in December 2019. They related the situation in Wuhan at that time, and it was already ugly. They sent me PPE and I was among the first wearing N95 masks (never believed the trash about fabric masks... you want a conspiracy? How about that the government put out a knowingly false recommendation to use fabric masks, in order to conserve N95's for medical use when the supply was short at the beginning of the pandemic.. in early 2020). Bodies stacked awaiting cremation. I recall very clearly the similar news from Italy and Brazil when the outbreak took hold there...

COVID killed a ton of people... You can choose whatever conspiracy theory you want to believe, there are plenty of them that have some grounding in facts, but, especially in 2020, it was COVID killing all those people... it was COVID in their lungs, not some bad medical practice.

And from the first moment I heard that the outbreak origin was traced Wuhan and there was a lab there handling similar viruses, I knew it was a leak, not natural evolution from bats of pangolins..
Here is a little more detail to my points

People died from Covid but it isn't possible, given the way that the information was collected to tell if they died from the virus itself or from the unchecked immuno response to the virus. There is some pretty convincing information that suggests that a focus on trying to control that immuo response would have saved at least some of them. It seemed clear early on that the ventilator was a death sentence. Very few cam back from it. So why, then, was that used to such a great extent. The cytokine storm has been caused by other medical conditions and doctors have been able to minimize it. There is no discussion anywhere of that being attempted for Covid related illness and yet it was a factor.

So I maintain that if you take the supposedly all Covid death total and start subtracting out situations where patients clearly died with Covid but the COD was actually something else, subtract out the deaths caused by politicians deliberately putting some of the most vulnerable people in direct contact with Covid contamination and compare the almost totally missing deaths from the normal fle in that same period, the "ton" of deaths suddenly isn't quite as heavy. I was involved with several people who got infected and were able to get alternative treatments - monoclonal antibodies for example which the government shut down and those people got through with just minor symptoms. The disease was and is still a problem. But it was NOT the pandemic that it was made out to be in order to invoke the draconian mandates.
by chasfm11
Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:09 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: "Unnatural evolutionary processes of SARS-CoV-2 variants and possibility of deliberate natural selection"
Replies: 11
Views: 2221

Re: "Unnatural evolutionary processes of SARS-CoV-2 variants and possibility of deliberate natural selection"

mayor wrote: Thu Sep 07, 2023 6:17 pm
I think it just "got away". If it was as deadly as first thought and it wasn't a respecter of persons, everybody could have been in trouble. The "hair on fire" response may have been in collusion with certain political entities.
I have a different view. The virus was never as deadly as has been claimed or manufactured. By manufactured, I mean that many of the deaths "from Covid" were actually deaths from other causes which were attributed and included in the statistics for Covid but not caused by it. I have first hand knowledge of several of those. In addition, one could attribute the ventilator treatment as medical incompetence but I don't. It was deliberate. They knew that it wasn't working and they kept doing it, rejecting several other treatment paths. Now couple in the deliberate nursing home infections which have been born out in fact and the total death counts look nothing like what we have been told.

I'd like to believe that the lab leak was the result of incompetence. There is ample reason from the history of that lab to draw that conclusion. But it is getting harder not to think that it was deliberate. The only thing that would help me accept it as an accident would be a "patient zero" trace that showed the pattern of how one or two infected lab workers made contact with enough people to promote it world wide. Remember that Italy was reported as one of the hardest hit areas and the Italia-Chinese relationship is not nearly as tight as China's intermingling with other countries.

In parallel thinking, I think that those behind the George Floyd riots had everything staged and were waiting for the right "trigger" to come along. Those riots were organized and paid for, not organic. So, I believe, the virus transmission was deliberate. I wold view it as next to impossible to get as many countries on the mask/lockdown bandwagon spontaneously as there were aggressive political leaders who managed to turn the situation into the tyrannical response that they did. It was far too organized and unified in approach to be organic.

Now, I'll just take my tin foil hat and sit in the corner.

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