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by VMI77
Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Bugout Bowe, the most famous turncoat since John Walker Lindh, is the center of a media blitz designed to prepare the battlespace for some sort of deal to broom the charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy which the treacherous weasel faces.

But the current Bugout Bowe Bergdahl charm offensive is too pervasive and too well-coordinated to be entirely accidental. It seems highly probable that something is coming that will be good for the dishonorable little weasel, and a slap in the face to the 7 or so soldiers who died searching for him, and their survivors.
by VMI77
Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:42 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan

JP171 wrote:I have 22 cents for bird dog Bergdahl......he is a traitor and I think a pardon should be illegal, should one be forth coming the pardoner should be prosecuted for treason as well complete with the death penalty on the table
We already have a blatant traitor running the county (into the ground) and another criminal traitor lining up to take his one is doing or is going to do anything about it because the national GOP is largely a bunch of traitors as well.
by VMI77
Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:34 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan

mamabearCali wrote:
jmra wrote:
mamabearCali wrote:
philip964 wrote:Told a friend I didn't understand why Obama did what he did. I didn't see an up side for him.

Friend replied. Obama promised to shut down Guantanamo in his campaign. Feels its part of his deal with the voters.

He started with the five worst guys to get us used to the idea and got our guy back as a bonus.

Rest of them to come later as we are now conditioned.

Hopefully the backlash has given him and his stupid advisors a change of mind. Though I would not count on it.
I don't think he cares. Especially after Nov elections, I think he'll do what he wants while giving true Americans the one finger salute.

He had better be careful. If he loses the senate there could be real consequences for him. If he angers enough Americans and they vote for a R next presidential term he could still face real life consequences. His actions have been so so far past even what Clinton's were I am not sure the usual immunity given to ex presidents will apply.

Even if all of that is not so, I believe there is a God in heaven who sees and does not approve of unjust actions that are purposefully done to harm people. He holds rulers to a even higher standard of behavior, and as I do not think for one minute that this man has or will repent of his sins, eventually he will answer for his misdeeds.

Also for this temporal life, I was reminded of late that from time to time the people of this world have permitted tyranny and despotism even in a free society. Usually, after a time, the people get tired of it and say enough. The left is proving with every growing day that they are far more puritanical and tyrannical than even your most fiery southern baptist preacher. I was thinking primarily of Merry olde England where sometimes a otherwise popular king was permitted tyranny that was ridiculous. But then inevitably things correct because the next person thinks that the good will given to the old king extended to them too, and things correct.

The exception is William the Conqueror. He was hated but was able to rule because of the terror he inflicted on the people. It took 3 kings to start to undo his excesses. He was so hated that even in 1945 with the Normandy invasion he was referenced as a conqueror.
Sorry, but I think you're going to be very disappointed if you think BHO is going to face any earthly consequences for his actions. There aren't enough people in either party with enough guts to impeach our "first Black president." And it might not even be politically astute as impeachment could well make him a martyr --a notion which helps those without guts or principles, IOW, the vast majority of Congress, rationalize doing nothing. The USA is well past the point of correction within the current system. How would a correction occur? It can't occur at the polls because the takers make up 60% of the electorate. It's not going to occur ten or twenty years from now because the left controls the public school system and is turning out new leftists in droves. The colleges now are nothing but Marxist training academies. OTOH, those of us who aren't leftists aren't going to throw in the towel, so it's going to be a wild ride.
by VMI77
Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:14 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan

The Annoyed Man wrote:Here is the official administration party line:

According to the administration, his squadmates who actually witnessed his desertion don't know what they are talking about. This administration's troll says it right up front. And in case there is any doubt, she repeats it right at the end.

Elections have consequences. When you vote democrat, THIS is the consequence you get: the systematic and deliberate dismantling of American greatness. I'd rather die in prison than ever vote democrat again.
Another reason for this is that to Obama and those in his administration the traditional American values that inform most members of the military are unfathomable. They are so detached from the values the military represents that they simply can't conceive that desertion in the face of the enemy is any worse than skipping Gender Issues 101 in college after a night of smoking dope. Having no honor or integrity they can't comprehend the concepts. Obama himself doesn't even understand what it is to me a man, much less a man of honor and integrity.
by VMI77
Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:45 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan

BigGuy wrote:
Jim Beaux wrote:
Many of obama's actions are confounding until we realize what he is trying to accomplish.

Though obama is inept, he is also a Marxist, and an opponent to the American way of life. He and his circle are Saul Alinsky radicals with intent to "fundamentally change" our republic. Though he has critically wounded our country, we will be doomed if another Saul Alinsky adherent, Hilary is elected.

It will be "turn out the lights" if our next president is not a conservative who possesses executive experience, (either in business, military or government) allied with a conservative congress.

The doomsday clock has already began striking midnight on our country.
There was a time when I'd have rolled my eyes at the above and though ,"Oh brother! Here we go again with some simplistic Obama bashing. I mean seriously, a Marxist in the White House?" I'd have told myself that somebody had been reading too many political thrillers. Except.
Try as I may, I can't come up with a better explanation. His first missteps, I either defended, or wrote off as honest mistakes. By the time we got to Benghazi, it was so obviously a cover up that I couldn't deny it, but I still thought it was covering up a bad decision made in an honest effort. Now we have him sending 5 of the worst terrorists this county has in custody in exchange for a man who is almost certainly a traitor, and I'm at a complete loss to even come up with a plausible motive. How many Americans died because of these guys before their capture? How many Americans died capturing them? We know of at least six who died trying to rescue the traitor. How many more Americans will die because these guys are now back out and in the fight?
And the way he released them was illegal. Well, what's new.
But the thing that really gets me is how many of my liberal aquantinances STILL defend the guy. I had drank deeply of the Kool-Aid. God help me, I voted for him is the last two elections. But when enough houses fall on you, you eventually start to smell the plaster. When the shingles finally fell from my eyes, I assumed that everybody had seen the light. I'm shocked and horrified that so many still support him.
The few alms I can muster are going to contested races where we have a chance of getting rid of a Democrat. A few to Huck Pac, Cassidy in Louisiana , and Cotton in Arkansas. I still have hope we can slow this death ride down in November, and then get it back on track in 2016. I'm not the only Dem (ex dem) to notice the wreckage produced by the people we were supporting. He only took office with 51% of the vote. It won't take many of my ilk to swing the tide. I really think there is a change coming. The pendulum is starting to swing back. November will give us a good indicator. 2016 will tell the tide.
You're liberal acquaintances are simply delusional and incapable of accepting the fact that they have been so easily fooled. When Stalin was killing millions in Russia there were plenty of Russians who thought that if only old Uncle Joe knew what was going on he'd put a stop to it. Watch the movie Der Untergang (The Downfall). It's a very accurate portrait of the last days in the Fuhrer bunker. His adoring supporters are in an underground bunker, cut off in Berlin, and being shelled by Russian troops who are about to capture the city. The Allies were closing in from the West. All major German cities had been bombed to rubble. Yet these civilian supporters "knew" that their Fuhrer was about to deploy a secret weapon that would destroy the Allies and bring Germany to certain victory. The people in the Obama cult are just like those starry eyed Germans.
by VMI77
Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:01 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan

philip964 wrote:I guess what I am most puzzled about is, why?

What was the motivation to get this guy released now and not maybe a year before Obama leaves office?

Failing health? Didn't seem so from the video today.

I can see Obama at the end of his presidency wanting to tie up loose ends, form a legacy. He got the only US soldier captive on his watch, released.

But now, under such bad terms, without notifying congress, violating the law? It seems to make no sense.

They also could have just quietly did it, especially considering the negative aspects of the soldiers departure. They didn't need to publicize it, not have a White House photo op with the wacko dad. No reason for Susan Rice to get up and lie to everyone again.

Most of the dumb stuff they do seems to have a liberal, left wing, anti freedom, anti constitution, pro communist motive.

Here, there seems to be no upside.

Are they now going to pressure the joint chiefs to not court marshal him? That will come out if they do. Otherwise, he's going to be court marshaled and get a lengthy prison term, that's going to make great press.

What happens when one of the Guantanamo guys pulls off some big terror plot, the bad press from that will be hard to control. What happens when the Taliban starts actively trying to kidnap US soldiers or citizens and gets another one.

I'm just completely dumb founded.
Some are saying the Taliban duped the administration to believe he was in failing health....par for the course with this clown posse. But I'm guessing the primary motivation was to wipe the VA problems out of the headlines. Or, it may be that because Obama and his clown posse hate America they wanted to make a political statement to their base by bringing home a traitor that hates America.
by VMI77
Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan

philip964 wrote:Why are all the interesting news articles on UK newspapers.
Because they're not as invested in keeping The One in office as our MSM is, and because the UK still has some slight traces left of a free press....though they are fading out pretty fast. The only real news now is on the internet.
by VMI77
Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:47 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan
Replies: 133
Views: 29494

Re: U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl freed in Afghanistan

gigag04 wrote:The guy is a traitor.
Exactly, and what Obama did was give aid and comfort to the enemy and provide material support for terrorism, which makes him a traitor too.

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