One Reason to Have your CHL

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One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by nedmoore »

Scary stuff. Takes a few minutes, sit back, have a drink, and watch.
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by flb_78 »


Im not too worried about Jihad and I see no correlation with it to a concealed handgun license. :headscratch" onclick=";return false;

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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by longtooth »

The fight is over there right now. If a liberal president ( :banghead: I forgot, we dont have a conservative in the race now.) brings the troops home the battle will be here soon.
The 1st targets will have to be cheap ones. That means suicide bomers on busses, in malls, Wal-mart, or street corners.

Country water towers w/ nothing but a cyclone fence around them would be even easier.

This is an excellent answer to the question, "Are we safer today since the war than before."
Yes, by a great deal. From 1979 until the war started we took all the hits listed on the site.
After the war started other nations took some hits but none of our embasies, military bases, or the homeland here have been hit.

The title may be improvable. (That is a word here in Redneck County Texas)
The info is spot on. Thank you for finding & posting this. I for one will use it.
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by jbenat »

Thank's for the David Horrowitz (sp ?) video. It is a real eye opener for most of us with the exception of a few, as a previous post shows. I, for one, am worried about hundreds of millions of crazies that want to destroy me, my family and my country as shown in the video. :mad5
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by macktruckturner »

I've fought the fight long enough to know better than this. Look, the radical factions of the Muslim faith can no longer even fight effectively against their own people. Witness the Sons of Iraq (formerly Concerned Local Citizens), imagine Neighborhood Watch with solid brass balls (and machine guns.) If anything, and I know this is an unpopular view, our continued presence only fuels the fire - and provides "infidels" on which extremists may martyr themselves.

The single largest threat to freedom in the United States of America exists on Capitol Hill, in a very recognizeable building with a large dome, and many stone pillars. They call themselves Congress, and we the people have allowed that body to do unspeakable things to a document they're sworn to uphold - and I'm sworn to defend. The threat represented by international terrorists, pales in comparison.

I do not believe for a second that removing troops - like myself, and my men - from Iraq in large numbers will initiate a slaughter on Americans at home. If anything, we can be used to bolster our largest and most glaring weakness - the border. A CHL is a great thing to have, as it allows YOU to constantly be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem - but such should not even be required. Shall. Not. Be. Infringed. As it stands, we're mighty infringed, but we can thank domestic enemies for that, not the foreign ones.

added: Right now, it looks as though we're geared up nicely to elect a President from one of two very similar camps, with no regard for the Constitution at all. If Democracy is truly what jihadists aim to destroy, they're not having to put a whole lot of effort into the mission - we're doing a fine job ourselves. We had a true conservative, with the right idea - and respect for the Constitution - but painted him a kook.
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by frreed »


While I cannot agree with you about our presence in Iraq being fuel, I do agree about the inability of the jihadists to fight effectively.

I too have been there and done that and heard and seen much progress over the past year since I returned. As we were in Europe, Japan, Korea and countless other places we have been a stabilizing influence that has kept the insurgents down while the country recovered

Your points about Congress and their disregard for the Constitution are spot on. The great conservative of our time, Reagan, and the two somewhat less conservative Bushes had one common trait. They held the constitution in the highest regard and didn't back down. I find it interesting that Reagan and the Bushes are painted by the Dems and the popular culture as demonic and against the constitution. Congress is the problem and until or unless we change the political culture we will win the war for radical Islam and others who long for the fall of our country.

Sadly we have come to the point where the only acceptable presidential candidate is one who will trample the constitution.

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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by nedmoore »

175 views on this post and only 3 responses!!!!! Oh well....

Mack, I had dinner tonight with a childhood friend who is a federal agent for the DEA. After dinner and some great cigars he began to tell me about some Israeli Commando's that he recently had the pleasure to cross train with. When they began to discuss politics and future presidents of the U.S.A. they said that the jihadist's can't wait for the future president to pull the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan in mass numbers...

The very reason that I posted this link is that the photos that I observed of the modern day jihadist's in the cities of America! Personally, I think that these people are crazed individuals and I want to do what ever it takes to stop them from attacks in the U.S.A. I am a patriot, and If I would have not suffered an injury a few years ago that prevents me from entering the military; I would be there with you.

I agree with you on the fight on Capitol Hill.. Hell, I even voted for Hillary last week while holding my nose! Did you watch the other video on Israel?

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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by frankie_the_yankee »

Judging by 9/11, it looks to me like the terrorists read Tom Clancy novels. So I would not be surprised if at some point they started sending death squads to soft targets here in the USA. These would be schools, shopping malls, and other public places. (Reference "The Teeth of the Tiger".)

Naturally, "gun-free" zones are likely to be preferred points of attack.

Given that police can't be everywhere, and quite frankly, we wouldn't want them to be, it seems to me that the more people that get CHLs and carry when out and about, the safer we all are.

And we need to eliminate gun free zones as much as possible so as to make it easier for more people to carry.

The greater the likelihood that the jihadists will run into armed resistance, the less is the chance they will stage attacks like this to begin with. And in the event they they do stage ops like this, the more armed citizens around the more chances there is of the attack getting cut short with minimal casualties.
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by macktruckturner »

I should clarify that I do not believe the sole catalyst for attacks is our mere presence here, there is still the underlying fundamentalism as a root cause. Nor do I dispute an absolute need to maintain stability, but that need not include in excess of 10 brigade combat teams. The change has been great, OIF3 was vastly different than OIF5 has been. Much of what I know, have recorded, and witnessed I can not share for obvious reasons - get with me in a decade and I'll be more than happy to, but rest assured the progress is very real, and very impressive.

As for those that have indicated they pray towards Mecca for a POTUS that pulls troops out of the middle east, I don't doubt it - but I doubt their ability to do much more than the school bully that wants everyone's lunch money. Eventually he gets popped in the chin, and goes back to being his withdrawn and disgruntled self. Consider that we have over 10,000,000 veterans in the United States, at least half of whom have served in combat at one point or another - were we actually faced with attacks at home, on soft targets, I'd bet every dime I'm ever likely to make that they'd be among the first to take up arms and defend (again) a nation they love. I know with absolute certainty I'll do it myself should it ever come to that. Back our current active military, reserves, and guard forces with those that stood the ground before them - and back those with the rest of freedom loving Americans, and I'm sorry - the jihadists simply don't stand a hope in hell.
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by jbenat »

My consern about pulling the troops out of Iraq, in mass, is my memory and films I have seen of the chaos in Viet Nam as we shamefully withdrew our forces. The sight of all those vietnamese trying desperately to board the departing helicopters is sickening and a low point in American history. I was in the 11th Air Assault (test) Div. that later became 7th Cav. I did not go to Viet Nam but knew many that did and died there. What a shamefull waste! Nixon's agreement with N. Viet Nam was that they were not to cross into S. Viet Nam or we would level thier country with our air force and mine thier ports to cripple trade. And we could have done it! Watergate crippled Nixon's ability to be effective and our cowardly, Deomcratic Congress did nothing about N. Viet Nam's broken word. The enemy knew they wouldn't because, then as now, we were losing the war at home. The liberal cowards that spit on our troops then are now deeply inbedded in our educational system, our media and many branches of the government.
Millions died in S. Viet Nam and Cambodia. I fear this would be a repeat of that disgracefull event in history if we pull out of Iraq before we achieve some sort of stability there. We weren't able remove our troops from occupied countries after WW II and we can't now in Iraq without wholesale bloodshed and handing a victory to the madmen waiting to extract revenge on thier fellow countrymen.
I totally agree, our congressmen and Senators are idiots (most anyway) that I hold in very low esteem. We desperately need term limits!!! :patriot:
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by frreed »


I was there in early OIF5 and things have changed drastically in the last year. We were in Al Anbar. Ramadi and Fallujah we bad at the time. I was stunned to hear of people walking the streets of Ramadi. We did MP work that included convoy security. Forget walking, we couldn't drive in without getting hit.

Glad to hear that your time is about up. Also glad to hear that you are off to Texas State. I am an old fart and have great hope for our future because of folks like you and the kids I served with. You guys are the next great generation. Get your education, influence this broken culture (heck run for office) and we will get back on track.

We've wandered away from the original topic, but at the heart of the matter politics is the problem. For too long congress has played with the military as toy and in doing so has killed the warriors. Warriors can get the job done with whatever weapon is at hand.

I'd say "be safe" but that is not entirely up to you. So, take care of your soldiers, get home and thanks to you all.


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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by macktruckturner »

Agreed, and WILCO on all counts.
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Re: One Reason to Have your CHL


Post by WarHawk-AVG »

At the rate they are going they wont need suicide bombers..all they have to do is undermine our economy and they can watch us destroy ourselves from within

Ever wonder why the buying power of the American dollar is rapidly dropping?
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