Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns

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Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by lawrnk »

'And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations'...
http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/ ... hobia.html

When I began following the Obama Campaign through Pennsylvania, the place was new to me-- as apparently it was to Senator Obama, since his Road to Change bus tour was heralded as the candidate's introduction to the Keystone State. Now the Senator has moved on to Indiana for a spell, but I'm back in PA, thinking about Obama's and my experiences of the people here.

Pennsylvanians are as friendly as Iowans-- and that's a huge compliment. (I love you Texas, but you get up on the wrong side of the bed a lot, or at least you did during the weeks before the primaries.) These Pennsylvanians are patriotic. On several occasions, they've awarded Barack Obama a standing ovation for his promise to restore the Constitution. Clearly, Quaker Staters feel a connection to the part their state played in the making of the Constitution; they see themselves in America's larger history.

At two town hall meetings in Pennsylvania, Senator Obama drew plenty of remarks about patriotism. In Harrisburg two weeks ago, one person called on by Obama chose not to ask a question. Instead a man who introduced himself as only Dennis told Obama, "Make a speech on patriotism because the Republican Party does not own the flag." In Wilkes-Barre a few days later, Obama fielded a similar comment from a man who said, "I believe that this nation now has dangerously low levels of patriotism and national pride.... My question to you is How are we going to reestablish America's reputation to Americans?" After leaving Pennsylvania and stopping over in Montana on his way to California, Senator Obama must have had these Pennsylvania questioners on his mind, because in Butte and Missoula he talked a bit about patriotism, introducing the subject as a theme we'll likely will be hearing more from him in the future, perhaps in a major speech at some appropriately historic date and time. Barack Obama and the rest of us will owe that to Pennsylvanians.

Another thing about Quaker Staters. The ravages of mining and old-style manufacturing have been unable, after all, to break the bond Pennsylvanians have with the natural world. Driving through the western part of the state, I thought again and again what great deer hunting country it is, and how my dad, a hunter in his younger days, would love it. Clipping a poem from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by Jeff O'Brien, a citizen of Upper Turkeyfoot, Somerset County, I imagined Turkeyfoot's "ice hard in the cavities of the derelict woods/the long dark coming in the magnesium shifts of twilight" as I drove through and determined to order O'Brien's poetry collection from Amazon. I've wondered about Pennsylvania and its citizens in other times and seasons, and I would like to stay longer here to see.

In the midst of this harsh pastoral, Pennsylvanians are scrappy survivors. They complain (particularly about their governor and Clinton surrogate Ed Rendell, who doesn't seem as popular as the media make him out to be), but they endure. They refuse to be bound to the broken temples of commerce and manufacturing, the vacant Beaux Arts hotels, the rotting nineteenth-century row houses, the abandoned sidings and once-grand railway stations that inscribe Scranton and Wilkes-Barre and diminish Pittsburgh and Lancaster. Pennsylvanians are remarkably chipper. In the end, the material world that once gave them prosperity has not defined them. On the contrary, Pennsylvania unfolds in an interlocking chain of Turkeyfoots and Allentowns, held separately and together by a sense of shared community, of humor, of history, and of abiding faith.

These qualities of hospitality, patriotism and endurance are exactly what Californians need to hear about Pennsylvanians. And when he spoke to a group of his wealthier Golden State backers at a San Francisco fund-raiser last Sunday, Barack Obama took a shot at explaining the yawning cultural gap that separates a Turkeyfoot from a Marin County. "You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Obama made a problematic judgment call in trying to explain working class culture to a much wealthier audience. He described blue collar Pennsylvanians with a series of what in the eyes of creamy Californians might be considered pure negatives: guns, clinging to religion, antipathy, xenophobia.

I'm not sure this is what at least this lot of Californians needed to hear about Pennsylvanians. Such phrases can reinforce negative stereotypes among Californians, who are a people in a state already surfeited with a smug sense of superiority and, as an ironic consequence, a parochialism and insularity at odds with the innovation, prosperity and openness for which California is rightly known. (Of course, this is a generalization, and as such does not fit everyone; but as a state characteristic I stand by it.) Californians might be better served by hearing that Pennsylvanians have a strong sense of their place in American history, for here California is wanting. California needs to hear that other Americans have gone through hard times and survived, humor intact. Since Barack Obama sees himself as the candidate best able to unify the country, these are the messages he needs to carry and his frank words about Pennsylvania may not have translated very clearly.

To give Obama his due, he spoke about working class Pennsylvanians likely because he had been thinking about them a great deal. And he spoke, as he often does away from large rallies, in a calm, even, matter-of-fact way. Every town hall meeting I've observed, from California to Iowa, Nevada to Texas, has showcased Senator Obama's core decency and high measure of regard for each individual.

It's curious, then, that he often has such a hard time making a connection with many working class Americans. With plenty of time for people to get to know him, like in southern Illinois before his first state legislature race and in Iowa before the caucuses, Obama has forged that connection. People get comfortable with the way his mind works. Obama is the man with the big picture; he jumps quickly from the particular to the general and back again, for he makes sense of the world in a synchronic rather than a linear way. For all his soaring rhetoric, there is a dispassion about him. And yet he blends rationcinative intelligence with empathetic understanding. This is a rare combination, and for many people, this aspect of Obama takes some getting used to. His Puritanical streak, moreover, while amusing to the press can be off-putting to everybody else.

Wednesday in Levittown, Obama told his audience, "We can find areas of common ground." But if we are going to move from divisiveness to comity, then Obama must show that he can lead us to see one another at our best and to measure one another at our highest worth. "I'm going to have a big table and will invite everybody," Obama often says. These were his exact words to Johnstown March 29. "I'll have the biggest chair, because I'll be President," he added.

One of the roles of host is making introductions. Just as Californians need to learn a few things from Pennsylvanians, the reverse is also true. California is the, most racially tolerant and ethnicity-tolerant state in the Union. California has found a way to bring strict environmental standards to prosperity's table. Californians celebrate entrepreneurship, open-mindedness and creativity.

In answer to the Wilkes-Barre gentleman's question about low levels of national pride, Senator Obama said, in part, that a new generation needs to move into government service, for there is "something big and noble and exciting and important about serving the country." First, however, Senator Obama-- and also Senators Clinton and McCain-- must see us and talk about us in such a way that sets the bar high. A leader will hold us to that standard. "Californians and Pennsylvanians," our next president must say, "find your best selves in one another."
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Re: Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by boomerang »

they cling to guns or religion
He forgot "working hard" and "helping others" and apple pie.
"Ees gun! Ees not safe!"
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Re: Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by Liberty »

One of the roles of host is making introductions. Just as Californians need to learn a few things from Pennsylvanians, the reverse is also true. California is the, most racially tolerant and ethnicity-tolerant state in the Union. California has found a way to bring strict environmental standards to prosperity's table. Californians celebrate entrepreneurship, open-mindedness and creativity.
You gotta be kidding! Los Angeles has turned beating the black man into a major spectator sport.
The author doesn't remember the Rodney King beatings and the Watts riots or perhaps he/she believes that good race relations was the reason OJ got off. I have traveled all over the country and I have never seen seen anyplace in the past 20 years with more racial tension than Los Angeles California. Nasty place very nasty.
edited to fix confused attribution
Last edited by Liberty on Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by frankie_the_yankee »

I've visited California a few times, have a loopy leftist sister who lives there, and have certainnly heard and read an awful lot about it. I think there is no doubt that the people of California are among the most deluded of any state in the country. Tolerance? As near as I can tell, every identifiable social or ethnic group is at each others' throats. Its high taxes and extreme enviro-foolishness are driving productive citizens out. It is getting overwhelmed with illegals such that places like LA are past the tipping point. (This is where the illegals and their advocates form the largest voting block and so control the government. Ironic when aliens, legal or not, should have no political power whatsoever because they are not supposed to be able to vote.)

If Obama wanted to be a true leader, he would have told Californians to wake up, grow up, read the constitution (especially the Bill of Rights) and learn what the concept of free speech really means, learn what social tolerance really means, and start acting like adults for a change.

That wouldn't have won him many votes, but it would have done more good for the people of California, in the long run, than standing before them and dumping on the good people of PA.
Ahm jus' a Southern boy trapped in a Yankee's body
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Re: Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by The Annoyed Man »

California has found a way to bring strict environmental standards to prosperity's table. Californians celebrate entrepreneurship, open-mindedness and creativity.
I'm sorry, but as a lifelong resident of California who moved to Texas when his employer relocated here, that quote is pure and unmitigated untruth.

California is KILLING its small businesses through an absolutely insane panoply of business taxes and fees, and they are leaving. It doesn't matter that entrepreneurship exists if businesses close or leave at a greater rate than they are started.The year we left, Governor Schwarzenegger boasted that California had welcomed 400,00 new transplants from other states that year. What he left out of that speech was that 500,000 Californians had moved out of state along with their jobs in that same year (many of them coming here to Texas), leaving the state with a net loss of 100,000 tax-paying citizens. That was in 2006. California's budgetary problems have worsened even more since then. If Californians think that tax and spend works, they've only to look at their own budgetary mess to see that it doesn't. If they think that Obama is going to give them less of that, they are greatly, and sadly, mistaken.

Edit: I edited here to substitute the word "untruth" for the word indicating the male of the bovine species previously used.
Last edited by The Annoyed Man on Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by lawrnk »


That sure looks like I was being quoted my very moderate pal :lol:
Incidentally, I agree with you. What is scary are these reports from black groups who state "if obama is not elected, the watts riots will look like a picnic"
Now that peeves me. Voting for someone simply based on gender or race is easily as offensive as voting against someone for the same reason. Nice to see Colin Powell throwing his hat behind Os(b)ama for prez. Colin is no better than race baiter jesse jackson IMHO.
Liberty wrote:
lawrnk wrote: One of the roles of host is making introductions. Just as Californians need to learn a few things from Pennsylvanians, the reverse is also true. California is the, most racially tolerant and ethnicity-tolerant state in the Union. California has found a way to bring strict environmental standards to prosperity's table. Californians celebrate entrepreneurship, open-mindedness and creativity.
You gotta be kidding! Los Angeles has turned beating the black man into a major spectator sport.
The author doesn't remember the Rodney King beatings and the Watts riots or perhaps he/she believes that good race relations was the reason OJ got off. I have traveled all over the country and I have never seen seen anyplace in the past 20 years with more racial tension than Los Angeles California. Nasty place very nasty.
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Re: Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by lawrnk »

I shall now refer to him (recently known as barry until he got in touch with his muslim roots and began hios politicing) as "Barrack Platitude Obama"
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Re: Obama explains small town sentiment, and guns


Post by Liberty »

lawrnk wrote:Liberty,

That sure looks like I was being quoted my very moderate pal :lol:
You're right. I fixed it. :confused5
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