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by jason812
Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:26 am
Forum: Animal Rescue
Topic: Family pets?, Micorchip please
Replies: 59
Views: 63458

Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please

E.Marquez, I never thought about the stolen dog scenario. I guess not being a criminal, sometimes I forget to think like one. I agree, a stolen dog should be returned to the rightful owner.
by jason812
Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:02 pm
Forum: Animal Rescue
Topic: Family pets?, Micorchip please
Replies: 59
Views: 63458

Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please

This is hypothetical but could have been real. What if you find a microchipped dog and don't or won't return it to it's owner? About a month ago, a weiner/terrior little wire haired cross showed up at my in-laws. We live next door and there are no neighbors for the little guy to run away from so we figured he was dumped. He has been in no hurry to leave, bounces back and forth between our houses, is protective of the kids and is a pretty good dog. After a month of nobody looking for him, my wife took him to the vet to get shots and a check up. She reported back that he wasn't chipped so I guess we get to keep him. I told her I wouldn't have given him back any way.

My 10 year old mutt was a similar situation. My mom found her in the middle of the road, covered in fleas, eyes matted shut, and we figured a couple of weeks old at most. I happened to be there as it was July 4th and told my mom when she was washing the dog, that she was wasting her time cause it was going to die. A few weeks after my mom had her, the people where she came from showed up and asked for her back, my mom told them to get lost. She has scar tissue on her eye which causes one to glow a different color at night but other than that has no lasting issues from her earlier life. I took her about 3 months after my mom found her and can't believe that was 10 years ago.

Sorry for tangent, but back to the question, what if you think the dog was abused or dumped and don't want to give it back? I know the owner probably wouldn't want it back or it wouldn't have been dumped in the first place. Also, I think I may already figure this out, but if somebody were going to chip an animal, they are probably the kind that wouldn't dump it in the middle of nowhere. I understand if the animal ran away or got out but where we live, the likelihood of that happening is slim.

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