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by Abraham
Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:00 am
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees


You avoided all but one of my questions.

Presumably, answering them makes you uncomfortable...which in itself gives me the answers...
by Abraham
Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:25 pm
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees


What's to think about?

An avalanche of words isn't required to answer a few simple questions you chose not to address such as: Why do you want to exclude all LTC qualified people from carrying in school unless they're school staff?

I get the firm impression you find those not school staff aren't to be trusted as they comprise a group of incompetent, mouth breathing vulgarians.

That said: Do you recognize this attitude as elitist?

These are easy questions to answer without filibustering.

Assuming only your LTC staff is armed, are they well trained and willing to use a gun if things get desperate, that is, if some unhinged person/persons starts killing staff and students?

Plus, what percentage of your staff are LTCers, armed, and ready to defend the innocent if necessary? I would suggest a very small percentage...

This is another easy to answer question.

Being a prolix poster isn't necessary. Plain spoken English will do nicely.

I think you've chosen to avoid answering questions because you've realized your condescending posture is recognized for it is...
by Abraham
Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:50 am
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees


You posted: "When I say I want more Good Guys on campus, I'm also adding that to this point I see no reason why the school staff isn't enough."

Meaning, if I understand what you posted, you want to exclude all LTC qualified people from carrying unless they're school staff, right?

If that's your opinion, ok, but it's an elitist opinion.

If I or anyone else wants/needs to come inside your school, I have to disarm, leaving me vulnerable from walking from and to my car, plus I'll have to depend on school employees to protect me once inside the school if such a need arises, i.e., a violent predator goes bonkers inside the school.

I don't want to depend on school employees to save my bacon. I know nothing of their willingness to do so or if they're well trained in the use of firearms. For all I know they got their LTC and then never go to the range to keep up their skills. I also can't be assured they'd not panic and collapse in fear if called upon to act in a desperate situation. No thanks! I'd rather protect myself by carrying anywhere I need to go on campus.

If I misunderstand you, please correct me
by Abraham
Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:39 pm
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees

Op, I get the distinct impression you're here to sow confusion with pro-gun folks as your most recent response is, to put it mildly, vague and questionable.

At this point, I assume you to be a stealth liberal.

That is, someone who pretends to be pro-gun, but introduces enough controversy as to prove to be an anti-gun provocateur.

Why do I post that?

Pro-gun people aren't elitist. You are. They don't dismiss LTCers as a high risk group of nincompoops. You do.

If I'm off base with my perspective, please provide more information that isn't so equivocal...

Or, just admit your anti-gun bias liberalism...
by Abraham
Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:08 am
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees

It's beginning to look like "ap" has taken a posting hiatus for of any number of legitimate reasons outside the forum realm or can't stand the heat of defending his rather, shall we say, elitist position excluding LTCers who aren't part of the educational system, because he states he thinks this group is likely to "break the educational environment" which is of course a completely ambiguous and flaky postulation... The mechanics of this more than a little bizarre notion remains to be explained...

Finally, as I suggested earlier, he may simply be an anti-gun liberal messing around on the forum...laughing at us pro-gun folk while we struggle to comprehend his bizarro/crackpot ideas that he advises we're apparently too dense to understand...laughing all the while.

So Ap old boy, please provide plain spoken English elucidation or admit you're an anti-gun liberal just messing around for your own amusement.
by Abraham
Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:51 pm
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees

ap, old boy, you're doing a bit of ye olde leg pulling, perhaps...?

C'mon, fess up.

Or, are you a stealth liberal coming here to have fun?


by Abraham
Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:27 pm
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees


Do you "know" what "break the educational environment" defines as and is it a common term used by teachers/educators in general?

Or, is it, as I suspect, a form of gobbledegook double speak?

I fully appreciate some folks in education prefer fifty words when two will do, but then those outside education might actually understand them and for the educators, obfuscation is the preferred method of non-articulation.


Wouldn't want to "break the patient therapy environment" would we...?
by Abraham
Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:44 am
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees

No gun toting LTC accoutered (I love that word, sounds like someone afflicted with cooties) educators will be allowed in my restaurant as they very well and quite probably will "break the restaurant environment" with their terrible table manners.

So there!
by Abraham
Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:02 am
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees


Thank you for responding, but I'm still struggling with your explanation. It's still not clear to me...

Plus, what does "breaking the educational environment" mean?

That term is so ambiguous as to be meaningless...

Do you maintain that people who aren't educators, but have LTC's can't be trusted?

Please, if you can and will, speak a bit more plainly if you want to be understood.

by Abraham
Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:30 pm
Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
Replies: 58
Views: 27106

Re: Concealed carry by school employees


Tell me if I have this right: You would like to see LTCers/school employees able to carry inside school, but you have many, many reservations about it?

Do I understand you correctly?



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