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by wgoforth
Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:34 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Osama Bin Laden
Replies: 20
Views: 13391

Re: More good news about Osama- Pig gun oil

The Annoyed Man wrote:I have no doubt that you are correct about the application of psyops techniques in the WOT, but the subject of this article is not part of any official psyops effort. He's promoting his gun oil by claiming it was used in killing OBL—a claim which remains unsubstantiated. This is pure and simple bravado, and it is in my opinion obnoxious. And I am not saying one shouldn't engage Muslims in theological arguments pointing out Islam's spiritual inconsistencies. I am an evangelical Christian, so I have strong theological differences with Islam, and I believe that its practitioners are spiritually deceived. BUT.... I have missionary friends in foreign lands specifically ministering to Muslims, and they will tell you that the fastest way to shut the door on any chance your ministry has of influencing them for Christ is to disrespect their faith. The best way to bring Muslims into the family of Christ is to model Christ to them. That is the door opener.

The makers of Silver Bullet Gun Oil are specifically disrespectful to the Muslim faith. Therefore, whether you view this as spiritual warfare as I do, or purely secular psyops as you mentioned, their advertising does more harm than good—not to mention that they offer no proof that their product was actually used in killing OBL. That makes them dishonest too.
Correct on all counts! No proof (yet) that the oil is in widespread use among the troops or seal team 6. Also true in respecting their faith to convert them. I have friends who preach to Muslims as have I as well. The Jihadi's are hardcore who have decided to kill. Not much chance converting them. Let the military use whatever psy-op's they can, and for us believers to use our "psy-op" (modeling Christ) before the average Muslim individual BEFORE they become of a Jihadi mindset. Room for both?
by wgoforth
Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:28 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Osama Bin Laden
Replies: 20
Views: 13391

Re: More good news about Osama- Pig gun oil

Don't know that it's neccesarily about bravado per se... if their goal is paradise, removing their goal may have a purpose. Thus Russians buried the Chechens who took over the school in pig skin. As to not being the Quran...correct, however they put traditions (haddith) on par with their scripture. Using the psychology of the enemy has always been a tactic in warfare. US did the same in fighting Native Americans, doing things to keep them from their "happy hunting grounds." At Gitmo, one tactic the US used was to have a woman question them and touch them... then saying it was "her time" and not allow him to bathe until he talked. This is a different war than we are used to, because it is about a philosophy rather than over land, and one has to get in their mindset to deal with it. I lecture across the country on Islam regularly... thus another reason to carry as I preach. :tiphat:

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