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Re: NRA Threads and Bogus Attacks

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:43 am
by rotor
I thought the NRA spots on YouTube were very well done. The problem was that I saw them on gun sites. Preaching to the choir.
Still a proud NRA member.

Re: NRA Threads and Bogus Attacks

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:54 am
by flechero

I am one who has recently expressed some frustration and hope it did not come across as me not supporting the NRA... I am absolutely, positively 100% behind them, even if I have issues with some action of individuals within the organization. I know that the actions of any one individual can result in some bad press here and there but the NRA as a whole, is like family to me and I would support it as such, even if I'm temporarily angry at my older brother. ;-)

(I re-upped for 5 yrs, a little while back but my goal is to save some cash and upgrade life member before the next election)
