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Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:04 pm
by Abraham
Take Down Sicko,

I hear you, but...

When one is wealthy, the mind regarding cost takes different directions.

Having once (for many years as a child up to the age of 15 years when I took over the captaining of my life) experienced extreme poverty - sleeping under bridges, abandoned cars, sneaking into barns after the sun goes down to spend the night, or simply on the ground without benefit of tent or even a blanket, etc. going without food for days and days on end, wearing filthy clothes, wearing inadequate clothing for the weather constitute being poor and I of course hated it. (and that's just the material things) I can now, after years of honest effort buy whatever I want.

So, still being somewhat frugal, how could I not, after experiencing poverty? (It kinda stay stays with you, irrespective of wealth, I guess like being a kid of the depression...?) I sometimes buy some very costly something that might provide greater service. Or, perhaps, simply because I want it...

Why not?

I can't take it with me and I'm getting long in the tooth...

BTW, I regularly donate an enormous amount of money and goods to my immediate family.

Give to organized charities and their familiars?



I experienced their magnanimity as a child - it was fraudulent...

Organized charities are a fraud.

Either give to your family if they need your help or your immediate neighbors or community or state, but giving to an organized charity is wasting your money. yeah, yeah, I know, some will protest their charity is on the up and up, maybe, I doubt it, unless it's for animals, then maybe...

Guess, I'm ranting, so I'll stop.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:17 pm
by remington79
I cover my grill. It's all steel and the grates are made of thick cast iron so if I don't cover it it will rust. Besides that if I don't cover it then the rain will go down the smokestack and get the charcoal ashes all wet and then become a pain to dump out.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:30 pm
by RPBrown
Abraham wrote:Take Down Sicko,

I hear you, but...

When one is wealthy, the mind regarding cost takes different directions.

Having once (for many years as a child up to the age of 15 years when I took over the captaining of my life) experienced extreme poverty - sleeping under bridges, abandoned cars, sneaking into barns after the sun goes down to spend the night, or simply on the ground without benefit of tent or even a blanket, etc. going without food for days and days on end, wearing filthy clothes, wearing inadequate clothing for the weather constitute being poor and I of course hated it. (and that's just the material things) I can now, after years of honest effort buy whatever I want.

So, still being somewhat frugal, how could I not, after experiencing poverty? (It kinda stay stays with you, irrespective of wealth, I guess like being a kid of the depression...?) I sometimes buy some very costly something that might provide greater service. Or, perhaps, simply because I want it...

Why not?

I can't take it with me and I'm getting long in the tooth...

BTW, I regularly donate an enormous amount of money and goods to my immediate family.

Give to organized charities and their familiars?



I experienced their magnanimity as a child - it was fraudulent...

Organized charities are a fraud.

Either give to your family if they need your help or your immediate neighbors or community or state, but giving to an organized charity is wasting your money. yeah, yeah, I know, some will protest their charity is on the up and up, maybe, I doubt it, unless it's for animals, then maybe...

Guess, I'm ranting, so I'll stop.
Abraham, although I have never been homeless, we came very close when I was a child. Our recreation was playing with an old hand me down Monopoly set by candle light because Mom couldn't pay the electric bill
I agree with your statement that the mind takes different directions. I learned early to be thankful of what you have and to take good care of it so it will last. Now that I am "better off" I still try to take care of my things.
I also agree with your statement about most charities not being on the up and up. However, I have been giving to the Scottish Rite Hospital for years. I have seen first hand what they do for children without ever asking for a dime from the families. That is one reason I became a Mason, to further support the Hospital. Same goes with the Shriner's Hospital, also a Masonic organization that doesn't ask the families for money. Those 2 and the DFW Humane Society are the only charities we give to. As for our kids, if they need help, they know we are there but we have taught them (or most of them) to take care of what you have.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:27 pm
by ScottDLS
A side note for grill lovers. Don't try cooking a brisket on a NG/Propane grill. They are generally not deep enough. I have a "friend" who has a very nice built in BBQ grill who tried cooking a brisket on it. After a certain amount of time fire was coming from the gas knobs and around the sides of the grill... My "friend's" grill is no longer operational. :shock:

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:32 pm
by Flightmare
ScottDLS wrote:A side note for grill lovers. Don't try cooking a brisket on a NG/Propane grill. They are generally not deep enough. I have a "friend" who has a very nice built in BBQ grill who tried cooking a brisket on it. After a certain amount of time fire was coming from the gas knobs and around the sides of the grill... My "friend's" grill is no longer operational. :shock:
Another side note...For those who can find it, black walnut is AMAZING for smoking beef, especially brisket.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:45 pm
by puma guy
There are good reasons to cover your grill whether it's gas or Charcoal. Gas grills typically have a grease and debris catcher. Rain will wash the grease onto whatever is under your grill. Unless it's made of all stainless steel heat will burn off paint making surfaces subject to rust from any moisture. If it's a charcoal gtill moisture hitting the ashes will produce a caustic substance (lye) and corrode the bottom of the grill. It can mix with any grease and form a cake (like soap) making clean up difficult, plus what lies beneath that cake is metal being eaten away. Better to cover.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 7:56 pm
by C-dub
Take Down Sicko wrote:For 1100 dollars i think it should be made of solid gold...YIKS! Most expensive i ever bought cost 600 dollar at Ace hardware.
I think I paid about $900 for my XL egg. I thought Mrs. Dub was going to put a halt to that, but she said, no problem. She thought I was going to get one of those $3-5k setups.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 8:01 pm
by SigM4
For a great grill cover look no further than these. Find your size and order away. These are great, especially for the price. Build quality is better than all the ones at Home Depot/Lowes.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 8:07 pm
by Flightmare
I'm fortunate that I can wheel my grill in/out of my garage for storage.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 1:14 pm
by Abraham
Thanks all for your responses and SigM4 thank you for pointing me in the right direction for a new cover.

It's on order.

Thanks again!

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:09 pm
by rdcrags
SigM4 wrote:For a great grill cover look no further than these. Find your size and order away. These are great, especially for the price. Build quality is better than all the ones at Home Depot/Lowes.
Thanks for the tip. It is better. No overlay material to peel off over time. It looks great and has 3 different ways to "tie up."

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:35 pm
by JRG
I keep my Traeger Junior covered.


Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:51 am
by MJR
Have Big Green Eggs and never use covers.

Re: Are Grill Covers Really Needed?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:56 am
by rentz
C-dub wrote:I do not have a grill cover for my Egg. I am able to move it underneath a patio roof to protect it mostly from the elements. However, it is mostly ceramic and not prone to rust.
same, the salesman actually told me NOT to buy the expensive cover because its known to trap moisture and cause mold inside the egg.

now, my webber propane grill always has a cover on it to prevent rust but its also not directly in the elements.