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by EEllis
Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:38 pm
Forum: Texas Firearms Coalition
Topic: New Article: Open-Carry Bills Must Preserve 30.06
Replies: 10
Views: 9288

Re: New Article: Open-Carry Bills Must Preserve 30.06

I think the idea that forcing business owners to have to verbally ask people to leave if armed akin to trying to make property owners verbally tell people to leave instead of being able to post property for trespass. People seem to ignore the rights of others for the own convenience and that is human nature. When it's done by people who are saying their own rights are being trampled it seems a bit farcical though. If it's my business or property then I get to make the calls and people should respect that even when it's not what they wish. We have a great way for making sure it's absolutely clear and a way to protect those who are armed from the adverse application of trespass laws by malicious prosecutors. We should screw that up why? So we can show people that we think gun rights are superior to private property rights? The idea that diminishing one somehow helps anyone seems a bit absurd. You could get what you want in theory but the reality would be you would show that it' has nothing to due with right and is just about want and if the political breeze goes a different direction, well, you are building a house of straw there aren't you?

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