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by crazy2medic
Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:46 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: PC Cancel Culture
Replies: 102
Views: 40227

Re: PC Cancel Culture

Some of the most ignorant people I have ever met were "Educators"
by crazy2medic
Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:39 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: PC Cancel Culture
Replies: 102
Views: 40227

Re: PC Cancel Culture

philip964 wrote: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:23 pm ... moval.html

Teddy Roosevelt bites the dust. Not even one vote to keep his statue in New York City Museum of Natural History.

BTW Teddy started the National Park system for which we should be eternally grateful.
He was an avid hunter, so that alone makes him the Devil!
by crazy2medic
Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:52 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: PC Cancel Culture
Replies: 102
Views: 40227

Re: PC Cancel Culture

Chemist45 wrote: Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:20 pm Powerboater wrote
i see the south texas ranchers worried about illegals crossing thier land and are afraid to stop them..bull its private property and if you feel feared then you have that right to take action
Rights mean nothing without the ability to back them up.
Put yourself in the rancher's shoes - He is in legitimate fear for his life from the mob of illegals crossing the boarder and heading toward his house.
He protects his home, wife and minor children with deadly force.
People die.
60 min does a 20 min slot on the trigger happy rancher who killed innocent people.
They interview the illegals (Now staying in a 5 star hotel and eating steak every night compliments of CBS) who say they were just looking for water. They were dying of thirst. "My baby needed water".
CNN does a nightly update. Counting the days that the murdering Texan has been out of jail.
AOC does a photo shoot with the grieving families and promises justice.
Brown Lives Mater starts a nightly protest at the rancher's home and where he shops.
#StopHatefulRancher trends on twitter.
Now he can't shop anywhere. His money's no good. The cattle buyers won't buy his cows. The feed store wont sell to him. The vet won't visit. The credit companies cancel his cards.
The bank terminates his checking account and calls the note on his ranch.
Dan Crenshaw is the deciding vote on a national Red Flag law and the local cops seize his guns.
Eventually BLM and Antifa team up to slaughter his cattle and burn his home.

Society works when the majority follows the rules. Once a majority breaks the rules, we have anarchy.
And that is what BLM and Antifa want.
It's called a tractor! SSS, Shoot, Shovel, Shutup!

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