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by Noggin
Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: United Kingdom: the police state
Replies: 129
Views: 59255

Re: United Kingdom: the police state

It has been 10.5 years since I left UK for the last time. I am starting to think that if I ever returned I would feel like a stranger in a strange land.
by Noggin
Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:22 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: United Kingdom: the police state
Replies: 129
Views: 59255

Re: UK: the police state

I expect it will just be a few more years before they reintroduce ration cards like in WW2. For years the media elite in UK have peddled the idea that everyone was healthier "during the war" you can be sure the British Civil Service has maintained a stockpile of ration cards to be issued in the event of an emergency, they may already have been working on the idea of digital ones.

The handgun ban was just one of many steps down the Orwellian road. The next was the introduction of Driver's Licences with your Photo on them, that was their way of getting around not having any other sort of photo ID other than a passport. About the only thing the Conservative government did right was scrap Tony Blur's idea to introduce a national biometric ID card.
by Noggin
Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: United Kingdom: the police state
Replies: 129
Views: 59255

Re: UK: the police state

Flightmare wrote: Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:38 pm
Gun-free zones didn't work, so they escalated to banning guns. When that did not work, they banned knives. Now they're looking at car-free zones. They are just asking for common-sense vehicle control.
Even before we had Muslim terrorists in the UK you could read the tea leaves from the Cabal of the MSM, Civil Service & all 3 political parties. They will not be satisfied until they can create a country where it is impossible to injure yourself or someone else by making it illegal to own anything which could cause harm. I am sure they will try to outlaw the ownership of any tool or vehicle that uses a combustable fuel. How far away is the law which requires all meat & vegetables to be sold in pre-cut in nice bite sized pieces, so that there is no requirement to have any knives in the kitchen or dining room.
by Noggin
Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: United Kingdom: the police state
Replies: 129
Views: 59255

Re: UK: the police state

Abraham wrote: Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:42 am
I suggest they avoid Germany, Sweden, et al.

Best they can hope for is to make it to some Eastern European country...
The tide may be about to turn in Sweden. The right wing party there has by some polls overtaken the governing party and they have an election coming up soon. I think that following on from Italy and of course the Eastern European EU members, it is possible that the tipping point may soon be reached in Germany - so that Angela's government may soon turn to ashes. The right wing in France may have failed in the presidential race but they have still grown in importance in the French political scene. I think in a strange bizarre twist the country that voted for Brexit will be the one that retains a pro EU administration in power the longest. Why:

1. The structure of British electoral system always works against any new party gaining a parliamentary foothold. The country has been effectively a two party system since before I was born. The third party simply being there to take up the "protest votes"

2. There is terrible inertia in the British political system and the career politicians have always been weak at standing up to the top level permanent civil servants (just look up on Utube any old episodes of "Yes Minister". Maggie T was one of the few elected politicians prepared to challenge civil service orthodoxy.

The only way the UK will change is when sufficient members of the "Conservative" party, who at the moment are worse than RINOs, See a reason to change. I cannot see a reason why they will think they should change because they know the only other parties people can vote for are even further to the left. Therefore It will have to be a civil war waged on the streets with medieval style weapons. Remember the British population may not have guns but then the overwhelming majority of UK LEOs don't have them and have never been trained to use them either. As for the Army, well in the 1970s we had almost 20,000 soldiers in Northern Ireland a place with a populations less that 2 million and we barely managed to keep the lid on the violence there. So what chance does an Army with a total strength of 150,000 have of controlling a population of 60 million.

Recent events in the UK only help to remind me that I got out of there not a moment too soon, also I am in no hurry to return, in fact if I did go back I am sure I would not recognise the place as my homeland

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