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by Rafe
Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:40 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ted Cruz
Replies: 29
Views: 8771

Re: Ted Cruz

Grayling813 wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:36 pm Those fans don't have to worry...Sen. Cruz won't be attending any more baseball games in NYC this year. :mrgreen:
ZZZING! :mrgreen:
by Rafe
Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:01 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ted Cruz
Replies: 29
Views: 8771

Re: Ted Cruz

BigGuy wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:27 am Scary. Look at what we are sending our new and improved troops up against.
Language warning on that one--hilarious Aussie guy unloads--but...what he said. This is where the country has moved; no longer what it's becoming, but what it's already become. This nation was founded on an axiom of American exceptionalism. Now exceptionalism has morphed into apologetics, inclusiveness, welfare, and "everybody gets a participation award."

The Biden administration's first defense budget offers a boost of $5.5 billion in technology research--I'm all for that--but then it slashes procurement by $8 billion, deleting scores of existing weapons and systems. That represents an almost 6% cut to the buying and maintaining of equipment. Part of this cut would come from the retirements of A-10, F-15 and F-16 tactical aircraft and the decommissioning of some Navy vessels, including four combat ships and two cruisers. About the new proposed budget, Deputy SecDef Kathleen Hicks said last Friday, "...We [will] reallocate resources to fund research and development in advanced technologies such as microelectronics [$2.3 billion in the budget]...artificial intelligence [$874 million], and 5G [$398 million]." Think of having a really robust 5G network as you watch the video BigGuy linked to. But at least we'll also have an additional $200 million for vaguely defined "family support programs."

Senate Armed Services Committee ranking member Jim Inhofe, R-OK, and his House counterpart, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-AL, said in a statement after the budget proposal was released: "President Biden's defense budget request is wholly inadequate--it’s nowhere near enough to give our service members the resources, equipment and training they need. It's disingenuous to call this request an increase because it doesn't even keep up with inflation--it's a cut."

For those interested, Defense News keeps a running section on the military budget, but be forewarned that most of it is just as biased as the mainstream media; after all, are their writers going to speak out openly against the politicians that cut their paychecks? So you have to read between the lines:

Oh, P.S.: We're pretty sure China has well over 2 million people in its armed forces. India, with 1.4 million, has more than the U.S. But we do have about 1.35 million personnel, which tops the Russian Federation by around 300K. Tiny North Korea? Almost as many as Russia, only about 50K fewer troops. So let's make the priority of our military be to cut procurement spending, build a better cellular network, improve diversity, and smash gender stereotypes.
by Rafe
Fri May 21, 2021 12:40 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ted Cruz
Replies: 29
Views: 8771

Re: Ted Cruz

Posted two days ago. The title is a little misleading; Cruz rips Joe Biden more than he specifically rips The Squad. The general point is well taken though. Biden's theme so far is "America's back!" But America--economically, politically, militarily, internationally, and socially--has declined faster in the past five months than I even thought possible.

David Muir opened the ABC evening news today by saying that the Middle East was just hours away from an Israel/Hamas ceasefire because Joe Biden got tough with Benjamin Netanyahu and made it happen. Can you imagine Biden getting tough with Netanyahu? With any world leader? Or making anything happen? Maybe next he'll arm-wrestle Putin for Ukraine. Come on, man. Biden won't even take unrehearsed questions from the press and somebody--maybe Kamala herself--is keeping Harris completely invisible. We have the weakest leadership at the top of our government perhaps ever in its history, but certainly since the Carter administration.

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