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Thu May 19, 2011 5:08 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably
Replies: 317
Views: 111850

Re: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably

I'm a bit intrigued when I read requests for "research" citations that open carry deters crime.

I can cite some personal "research" from my own experiences "open carrying" in Colorado, AND TEXAS for that matter. When you are openly carrying a holstered handgun it is VISIBLE - right ? OK .

Therefore ......I am what you may call notoriously armed with a handgun. YOU on the contrary are HIDING your handgun under your clothing ! Does the "crack-head" in need of a "high" have X-Ray vision ? Even with 20/40 vision "cracker" can deduce that I AM ARMED. YOU are concealed carrying . Now follow me closely here- if the two of us are the ONLY prospects in sight for "income" to finance "cracker's" next "high" - who is the cracker going to target??? I know, it really get confusing sometimes doesn't it ?
Tue May 10, 2011 10:15 am
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably
Replies: 317
Views: 111850

Re: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably

I do appreciate many of the concerns about HB 2756. I have some concerns of my own. I haven't spoken with anyone who wouldn't prefer some major changes. I am not in a position to address the pre-file history of HB 2756. I was not associated with Lone Star Citizen's Defense League that early on in the effort.

Charles - the majority of pro-right to carry supporters in Texas are troubled by the unnecessary, distracting, and apparently ever escalating personalization of this debate. Reasonable people can disagree on strategies, and timing in remedying constitutional defects in Code sections, but our efforts need to be focused on discussion, research, and education. The integrity of one's professional life merits respect. As an active member of LSCDL, I feel that you are entitled to an apology, particularly if you, or any of your professional associates were in fact subjected to any annoyance. Personal offense is always ill-conceived, never productive, and invariably plays out as a spit directed into a head-wind.

The Texas Constitution always has the FIRST & FINAL word on legislation. Acts of the Legislature do not "define" the Texas Constitution. What I call "Neo-Reconstructionism" is rooted in the philosphy that enacted laws can pretend to "amend" the Constitution through the agregate codification of elitist preferences into the front-lines of public policy. This trend has been going on for 135 years in Texas, and reflects a confluence of varied self-interests attempting to ram through legislation during an extremely brief time window. The adoption of the Texas Constitution in 1876 was more than a bench-mark in the history books. It is the very foundation of Texas law.

The Texas Constitution reserves the right to carry (even handguns) openly in lawful defense to every citizen. Acts of the Legislature , decisions by Texas courts, and law enforcement procedures must respect, and reflect that fact. HB 2756 is Representative Lavender's bill. We should know by tomorrow whether the House will have a chance to even consider the measure. If the bill is placed on the House calender, further discussion will be warranted. Based upon my discussions with Representative Lavender's office, the 30.06 concerns frequently expressed on this forum can be addressed - if and when the bill moves forward.
Thu May 05, 2011 7:57 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably
Replies: 317
Views: 111850

Re: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably

I am a member of the Lone Star Citizen's Defense League, and I have been investing my time, and financial resources into the effort to restore respect for the right to bear arms in Texas that is declared in Article 1, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution to be reserved to "every citizen" in Texas.

This RIGHT we talk about so much is constitutionally INVIOLATE (Article 1, Section 29) in that the Legislature may only regulate , by law, the CRIMINAL wearing of arms. We at Lone Star Citizen's Defense League are committed to pushing back against the Reconstruction Era policies of State government, and the Neo-Reconstructionists mentality that has over-stayed its welcome by 140 years in Texas.

I AM a CHL holder . The supporters of HB 2756 ARE predominantly CHL holders. This bill will become law , and the criminal penalty for intentional failure to conceal will be repealed because it is unconstitutional , and the majority in the Texas Legislature realizes that fact, and supports the bill. That means that the CHL holder will have the option of making his or her own determination as to whether to conceal or display for personal safety.

Armed entry into private premises commonly open to the public is a matter for the acountants of every business enterprise to determine. That private determination is deserving of the respect of all who choose to enter, and engage in commerce with them.

I testified in favor of HB 2756 before the Public Safety Subcommittee, along side two other LSCDL members, and three other CHL holders who traveled to Austin that day motivated by their conviction that the bill is good law and Texas needs it passed.

Gun Owners of America is in support of HB 2756 - as well as the committment of the Lone Star Citizen's League to restore the constitutional right to bear arms in Texas. Sadly, the NRA has been missing in action during this effort.Lone Star Citizen's Defense League is committed to assist in the legal defense of any member who is unlawfully charged with an offense under a Texas statute that runs counter to Article 1, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution. Is that not worth a membership fee?

We at Lone Star Citizen's Defense League are recruiting "Hard Chargers". The active members of LSCDL :txflag: are using our own resources to advance the right to bear arms in Texas. We hope to attract others who are equally committed to the declaration of rights in Article 1 of the Texas Constitution . We don't want your membership fee. We want your passion , and committment to the cause of liberty. Check us out - if you want to do more than just talk about gun laws in Texas ?

Decide for yourself. Am I a "Troll" ?

My name is Jim Sherwood. I reside in Arlington, Texas, , and I am one of the legislative directors of Lone Star Citizen's Defense League." onclick=";return false; (click GOA STATE alerts box)" onclick=";return false;
Tue May 03, 2011 2:48 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably
Replies: 317
Views: 111850

Re: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably

txmatt wrote:
PATHFINDER wrote: Is this some kind of "turf war" going on down here- or what ?
I think the problem is people posting things like you just did that are overly aggressive and hostile that turns people away from the open carry supporters. There is no need to take a nasty tone when talking with other people that support gun rights in general.

I even support open carry and yet your post was quite off-putting. Try toning it down a bit, laying off the caps, and spend some time considering and addressing the concerns that people have about open carry. It will get you further, I feel certain
For starters - do YOUR OWN EDITING . I will do MINE. I like CAPS - it helps get the point across.

I think the "tone" problem has more to do with your "reception" - rather touchy.
Tue May 03, 2011 12:20 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably
Replies: 317
Views: 111850

Re: HB 2756 Open Carry bill reported favorably

If I possess lawful authority to excersise control over entry INTO PRIVATE PREMISES UNDER MY CONTROL commonly open to the public - all I need to do to establish effective notice that entry while armed with a HANDGUN is prohibited is to augment that 30.06 sign with one of those Circular ,RED, ("handgun/prohibited" / internationally recognizable/ "gun-buster" ???) signs conspicuosly affixed above(?) the 30.06 sign. That is "icing on the cake" for the VILLAGE IDIOT that can't comprehend that prohibition of a CONCEALED handgun also "LOGICALLY" INCLUDES DISPLAYED HANDGUNS on my property.

I really don't think this constitutes earth-shattering material for comprehension by reasonable persons.

The RIGHT to bear that firearm openly - or at all -(if 46.035(a) is repealed, or if traveling) ENDS-ENDS-ENDS at MY FRONT DOOR.

If ALL of us "right to carry" advocates can take a DRAG ON THE OLD "PEACE-PIPE" for a few seconds and support a bill that will remove the CRIMINAL liability presently "enjoyed" by ALL concealed handgun licensees while in TEXAS - would that not be a step in the "RIGHTS' direction ???

I would really like to be able to IDENTIFY myself as being armed in lawful defense walking from my vehicle across a parking lot possibly infested with drug-addicts,purse-snatchers, car-jackers, and random robbers, sexual predators -ENROUTE TO THAT business ENTRANCE that is NOT POSTED with a 30.06 sign (where I choose to spend my $$$$). Nothing prevents me from respecting the property RIGHT, or preferences of another by CONCEALING that firearm prior to entry onto THEIR PREMISES.

I apologize - I suffer from the "common sense" virus . I just fail to see the "big picture" as to why citizens in Texas shouldn't be allowed to engage in their Constitutionally declared RIGHT to bear arms in lawful defense in the PUBLIC domain - as is the case in 43 OTHER STATES.

Is this some kind of "turf war" going on down here- or what ?

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