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by Liberty
Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:23 am
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34956

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

KaiserB wrote:
Liberty wrote: What have I said that is misleading? or implies that that I have a faulty understanding?
I'm not sure what your point is? I don't claim to be an expert, but I am quite sure that Joe McCarthy kept company with some real slime balls including the Likes of Joe Kennedy, He was part of one of the most embarrassing moments of American history that persecuted folks for their beliefs. He was a drunk and died of hepatitis. While not a member of HUAC he certainly provided fuel for separate yet parallel persecution. McCarthy never was able to support his charges of Communist within our government. He was Censored for his reckless behavior by his fellow Senators. He was a champion of political dirty tricks in his campaigning for Butler against Tydings. His name will forever be tied to dirty politics and making wild unsubstantiated charges. He probably had more to do with installing a Democratic Congress and President than any other single man.

Did I leave anything out? Did I mention that he was a liar and a drunk?

I agree with you McCarthy was a real weenie, and a drunk, and a liar... However, my point was there were several dozen other players in the mix of Communist Outings, not just McCarthy. Unfortunately, Joe McC is the one who always ends up getting pounded and most people do not even realize there were several other people involved with the mess.
WE speak of Joe McCarthy because he was such a focus about it, He personally got a lot of attention about it.

I believe that we are all mostly on the same page, and that we are now entering a similar era of intolerance against conesrvative thinking. It was wrong then, and will be wrong under Obama.
by Liberty
Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:12 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34956

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

KaiserB wrote:
iratollah wrote:
Liberty wrote:Many of the immigrants of the 20s 30s and 40s were Jewish. Many of the the folks McCarthy persecuted were also Jewish.
What is the source for your numbers? Of the well over 5 million immigrants to the US between 1920-1944, only about 100,000 were Jewish. This is less than 2% of the total. Is this how you define many?
I think you both need to go study your I am seeing much of the rhetoric of the past repeated.

Here is a simple test to get you started:

Joe McCarthy was a (Senator/Representative)?

The House Committee on Un-American Activities HUAC was a (Senate/House of Representatives) Committee?

Who kept the "Hollywood Blacklist" HUAC or McCarthy?

What is the significance of John W. McCormack, Martin Dies, Jr., and John Stephens Wood?

What was the initial purpose of HUAC?
What have I said that is misleading? or implies that that I have a faulty understanding?
I'm not sure what your point is? I don't claim to be an expert, but I am quite sure that Joe McCarthy kept company with some real slimeballs including the Likes of Joe Kennedy, He was part of one of the most embarrassing moments of American history that persecuted folks for their beliefs. He was a drunk and died of hepatitis. While not a member of HUAC he certainly provided fuel for seperate yet parallel persecution. McCarthy never was able to support his charges of Communist within our government. He was Censored for his reckless behavior by his fellow Senators. He was a champion of political dirty tricks in his campaining for Butler against Tydings. His name will forever be tied to dirty politics and making wild unsubstantiated charges. He probably had more to do with installing a Democratic Congress and President than any other single man.

Did I leave anything out? Did I mention that he was a liar and a drunk?
by Liberty
Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:59 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34956

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

Skiprr wrote: How can America be so seduced by Obama? How?
I know the answer!! Pretty simple really.
Some people are stupid and incapable of running their lives. They want someone else to make decisions and take care them.

I've talked to many of the Obamanation, Most are incapable of following any stream of thought, Have no religion, Believe that being Gay is kewl. and Removing guns will make a safer world. One such trait of the ObamaNation is that they don't seem to hear ya when yo try to speak logically and use common sense.
by Liberty
Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:59 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34956

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

iratollah wrote:
Liberty wrote:Many of the immigrants of the 20s 30s and 40s were Jewish. Many of the the folks McCarthy persecuted were also Jewish.
What is the source for your numbers? Of the well over 5 million immigrants to the US between 1920-1944, only about 100,000 were Jewish. This is less than 2% of the total. Is this how you define many?

McCarthy focused on Hollywood and trade unions so it makes sense that Jews would be over represented in those groups. We well know that simply because McCarthy singled out folks for his persecution, it does not mean they were communist, yet your post seems to claim otherwise. Last time I checked, loyal Americans don't attempt to jail other Americans for having different political views.

At the same time that McCarthy was accusing Jews in America of being communist, the Jews in the Soviet Union were being harassed and jailed for being capitalist. In this country during the 1930s, Jews were disparaged for controlling business and for organizing the trade unions that were trying to undermine business. In each case, how can both sets of accusations be legitimate?

Please be careful Mr. Liberty that when attempting to stereotype others that you do not end up stereotyping yourself.

Back OT, no Jew in their right mind should support Obama, however as many Jews traditionally vote Democratic, likely too many will support the wrong candidate in this election. Texas Jews are much better represented in the Republican vote. McCain made a huge error in selecting Palin as his running mate as she has become the deal killer for some swing voters.
I am also confused. I am not disparaging anyone other than McCarthy, or any group of people I was just noting that many of the Communist were Jewish, and in doing so was suggesting that perhaps the Joe McCarthy was trying to cleanse the nation of something other than just political differences. None of the people that McCarthy listed and persecuted were ever proven to have co-operated with the Russians. As I said before then we persecuted and blacklisted the leftist. Today we elect the leftist for president. Obama is as as much a socialist as Lenin ever was.
by Liberty
Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:58 am
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34956

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

iratollah wrote:
Liberty wrote:Most of the Communist outed under McCarthism were elitist acadamian types and not revolutionists. Many of the Communnist were folks who were affected by Hitlers Nazi party. To persecute people for what they believe and not for anything they have actually done is the true evil. Today these extreme leftist actually have positions of power and actually do thing which work to destroy our nation. Only difference is they have a difference is today they call themselves Progessives instead of Communist. Then we destroyed careers, today they are presidential Candidates and Speaker of the House. Back then they were idealistic acadamian joiners, Today they are actively destroying our nation.
Not sure I follow. Good on you for your comment that it's wrong to persecute people for what they believe. If someone does not love their government, it doesn't necessarily mean they don't love their country. The rest of your comments are confusing.

The Communist Party in the US was attracting more members during the 30's than during the 50's when McCarthy did his witch hunt. While some of the Nazi appeal was their staunch opposition to the communists, they were never an electoral majority in Germany. So what is the group that was affected by the Nazi's? Immigrants? Immigration to the US was heavily limited by quotas during the 30's. I thought most European immigrants of the 50's were staunch opponents of the communists and indeed some of the most proud Americans you could ask to meet. Can you please clarify?
Many of the immigrants of the 20s 30s and 40s were Jewish. Many of the the folks McCarthy persecuted were also Jewish.
by Liberty
Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:08 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34956

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

anygunanywhere wrote: There is a difference between espousing unpopular views and working to advance communism to suppress least there used to be. Ij Joe was alive today he would have Barry in front of the hearings swearing his oath on a koran er uh bible.

I take the side that agrees with Joe McCarthy. Comunism in any form is evil.

Most of the Communist outed under McCarthism were elitist acadamian types and not revolutionists. Many of the Communnist were folks who were affected by Hitlers Nazi party. To persecute people for what they believe and not for anything they have actually done is the true evil. Today these extreme leftist actually have positions of power and actually do thing which work to destroy our nation. Only difference is they have a difference is today they call themselves Progessives instead of Communist. Then we destroyed careers, today they are presidential Candidates and Speaker of the House. Back then they were idealistic acadamian joiners, Today they are actively destroying our nation.
by Liberty
Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:44 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: What to do when Obama wins?
Replies: 101
Views: 34956

Re: What to do when Obama wins?

pbwalker wrote:
FIFTY wrote:You're correct MBGuy. There never was an answer to the original question, and for good reason. Talking about burying your firearms, and government confiscations makes rational gun owners look more like gun "nuts".
We're the law abiding citizens of New Orleans 'gun nuts' when their guns were being confiscated? I think the OP had a valid question...

If it were to come to fruition, would you just turn over your guns?

I didn't know a president has the power to take our guns away, But if any gooberment charactors ever come to take my guns away, I would think it would be pretty silly to tell the whole world on the interweb what I would do about it.

Just my opinion.

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