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by Liberty
Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:47 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19086

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Then welcome Senator Rick "I hate guns" Noriega to Washington. I'm not a single issue voter either, but a candidate's position on guns is a litmus test. If they are wrong on that issue, then they oppose my ability to protect myself and my family and that's unacceptable, even if I agree with every other thing they support or oppose. If I have two pro-gun candidates running, then I get to look at other issues when deciding how to vote. Likewise, if I have two anti-gun candidates (never happened to me), then I make my decision on other issues. But when one candidate supports my right and ability to defend myself and my family and one does not, then the issue is settled at that point.

I too hate the bailout, but my safety comes first, then my money.

While I agree with you, I value the 1st ammendment just as much as the 2nd. Both are absolutely essential for our Safety and freedom. If we have one candidate that has disrespected and worked against the freedoms of speech and of the press, and another that the second ammendment, then I suppose the only other option would to vote for neither.

There is always Slow Wheat, or maybe even Libertarian.
by Liberty
Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:46 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19086

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Charles L. Cotton wrote: The NRA and TSRA ratings would be accurate and based upon voting records for Senator Hutchison and on Governor Perry's stance on guns as Governor. This includes the pro-gun bills he signed, at least one of which was politically difficult not to veto. It also includes his public pro-gun statements such as the statement that CHLs should be able to carry anywhere in the State. We also consider the many times he had appeared at TSRA events and his appearance and speech at the NRA Annual Meeting in Houston. He is a man who didn't merely pay lip-service to supporting gun owners by turning in a good Questionnaire, he put the prestige of his office on our side with numerous public statements and public appearances at TSRA and NRA events.

We don't massage the ratings for very good reasons. First, our credibility would be destroyed and secondly, the opponent may win and we don't want an enemy.

A great example of this policy in action is State Senator Bob Deuell. He ran against a pro-gun incumbent with a good record. Deuell turned in an "A" Questionnaire and obviously would have liked our endorsement, or at least that we remain neutral. We couldn't do that. However, since he won and has proven himself to be as pro-gun as his Questionnaire indicated, and has carried bills for us, he is now our "friend." We wouldn't abandon him for a new friend and it wouldn't matter if I ran against him, I wouldn't get the endorsement and he would. To do otherwise destroy our effectiveness in Austin.

Will they rate Libertarians?
by Liberty
Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:33 am
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19086

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Charles L. Cotton wrote: There is an old saying within NRA and TSRA; we don't abandon old friends for new ones. Senator Hutchison would probably be very good on our issue, but I won't abandon a proven friend for anyone.

Does this mean that the NRA would be less than honest about her rating? Or would they just pretend she wasn't running when it came to publishing her ratings. It very tough to overlook Perry's giving away of so much of Texas to the Spanish So that we can have the privilege of paying to drive on roads we have already paid taxes to build and currently drive on for free.

I do agree though has been unwaivering in his support for our cause.

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