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by Paladin
Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:58 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

philip964 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:28 am ... lators.pdf

Number of Georgia votes are higher than ballot images by 17,000 votes. Electronically manipulated. Election should not have been certified (guaranteed).

Move along nothing to see here.
From the looks of it, there was a total mess in Georgia.
by Paladin
Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:25 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

philip964 wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:27 pm ... bery-laws/

9 million in Zuckerbucks to 5 Wisconsin Counties violated Wisconsin State bribery laws special council finds.

Move along nothing to see here.
Jailtime and fines sound appropriate
by Paladin
Mon Feb 07, 2022 10:46 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: System ‘Designed’ to ‘Create Systemic Fraud’ by The Standard
Court unseals details of audit on machines in Michigan’s Antrim County

13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin Elsenheimer released the audit report

A Michigan judge has released the bombshell report on the audit of Dominion Voting Systems, revealing that the machines and their software were “designed” to “create systemic fraud.”

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, said in a preliminary report. “The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors.
by Paladin
Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

Pennsylvania Court Rules Mail-in Voting Unconstitutional, a Win for Election Integrity
Of the 6.9 million votes cast in 2020, 2.5 million of them were mail-in ballots, and most of those mail-in votes were cast by Democrats
Trump won Pennsylvania. Illegal mail-in ballots stole the state election.

Similar situation in Wisconsin:
Pennsylvania is not the only state to rule in favor of election integrity. In January, a judge ruled absentee ballot drop boxes used in the 2020 presidential election are unlawful in Wisconsin:

The judge’s ruling reportedly specified the so-called “bipartisan” commission should not have unilaterally issued the drop box guidance to local election officials without proceeding through the traditional rulemaking process.

According to, the clerk’s office accepted 653,236 in-person ballots. Another 1.3 million were cast absentee. No record was reportedly kept on how many ballots were accepted through drop boxes.
by Paladin
Sun Nov 07, 2021 9:46 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections

Excerpt regarding the Time Magazine article:
“Without agony or shame the magazine reported that ‘[t]there was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes’ creating ‘an extraordinary shadow effort’ by ‘a well-funded cabal of powerful people’ to oppose Trump. Corporate CEOs, organized labor, left-wing activists, and Democrats all worked together in secret to secure a Biden victory. . . Time would, of course, disingenuously frame this effort as an attempt to oppose Trump’s ‘assault on democracy,’ even as Time reporter Molly Ball noted this shadow campaign ‘touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.’ The funding enabled the country’s sudden rush to mail-in balloting, which Ball describes as ‘a revolution in how people vote.’” (p.36)
by Paladin
Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:42 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

AZ Audit Could Not Find the Identity of 86,391 Voters – They Don’t Appear to Exist
The Arizona audit could not find an identity match on 86,391 people. This is disclosed on Page 56 of the “Results Details” report.

These Maricopa voters cast ballots in Nov 2020 and don’t seem to exist...

Our name, DOB, SS#, and address are in every State and Fed database. If you can’t be found using these credentials, something is definitely wrong.
Yeah, there are lots more contestable votes than what was given in the headline number.
by Paladin
Tue Sep 28, 2021 8:23 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:02 pm TINVOWOOT
I had to look that one up.

I'm sure Cali is feeling that way right now after their recall "election" :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana
by Paladin
Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

From August, but far more relevant now that the audit results from Arizona have been released: True The Vote Conducting Massive Clandestine Voter Fraud Investigation
True The Vote has spent the last several months since late last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,” True The Vote’s document says. “According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot dropboxes.
And we know which party supports dropboxes and who funded them (Zuck bucks)
by Paladin
Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:51 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

Texas launches audit of 2020 general election results in four major counties

:txflag: :txflag: :txflag:

It is clear that Zuck bucks flowed generously into these counties and there are irregularities associated with those Zuck bucks

My wife and I give our thanks for helping to keep Texas elections fair and honest! :tiphat:
by Paladin
Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:59 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

This should have been released on a Monday. Releasing it on a Friday indicates an attempt to bury it:

Arizona Senate Report on the Maricopa County Election Audit Highlights 49,000 Questionable Votes, Asks AG to Investigate
Here is a breakdown of those 49,718 questionable votes:

23,344 mail-in ballots were counted from individuals who no longer lived at the address to which the mail-in ballot was sent. The audit called these “mail-in ballots voted from prior address” in the voter history phase. (critical impact)
9,041 more ballots returned by voters than received in the voter history phase. (high impact)
5,295 voters that potentially voted in multiple counties in the certified results phase. (high impact)
3,432 more ballots cast than the list of people who show as having cast a vote. The audit called this group of ballots “official results does not match who voted,” in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
2,592 more duplicates than original ballots in the ballot phase. (medium impact)
2,382 in person voters who had moved out of Maricopa County in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
2,081 voters moved out of state during 29 day preceding election in the voter history phase. (medium impact)
1,551 votes counted in excess of voters who voted in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
Lots of these are obviously illegitimate and/or illegal votes.

Funny how the sizable list of illegitimate votes seems to have dramatically shrunk in the final report.
by Paladin
Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

From Colorado:
by Paladin
Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:01 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

If anyone hasn't seen this yet:

HERE IT IS – Full Report from Canvassing Work Completed in Arizona’s Maricopa County
Two primary categories of ineligible ballots and election mishandling, encompassing hundreds
of thousands of votes, render the 2020 General Election in Maricopa County uncertifiable.

An estimated 173,104 votes are missing or lost, as reported to our volunteers who went door
to door verifying registration and voting information for thousands of residents. These are
American citizens living in Maricopa County who cast a vote, primarily by mail, in the election
and yet there is no record of their vote with the county and it was not counted in the reported
vote totals for the election. Additionally an estimated 96,389 mail-in votes were cast under
the names of registered voters who were either unknown to the residents of the registration
address or who were verified as having moved away prior to October 2020. Other
irregularities were uncovered during the canvass at a smaller scale, including votes cast by
mail from vacant lots, votes recorded from residents who had not actually voted, etc.
by Paladin
Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

How Mark Zuckerberg Almost Handed Texas To The Democrats
By now it’s a familiar story to many Americans that private money was just one of many irregularities that plagued the 2020 election. In numerous reports, the Capital Research Center has traced the flow of $350 million from Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg to county elections officials, flooding local jurisdictions with “Zuck bucks,” which aided with things like fraud-prone drop boxes and mail-in ballots.

Our conclusion is that, across the board, CTCL’s grants favored the biggest, most vote-rich Democratic counties, which helped turn out the most left-leaning voters in U.S. history—and secure Joe Biden as the country’s 46th president. Far from “nonpartisan,” CTCL’s oceans of money made it easier for fraudsters to cheat and the Democrats to win in 2020.

Now we turn to Texas and the $33.5 million in CTCL grants uncovered so far—the largest amount for any state we’ve examined.

...CTCL funded eight of the 10 most populous counties in Texas. The two that did not receive “Zuck Bucks”—Collin and Denton Counties—were the only two of the 10 that Trump won.
So glad that Texas passed election reform!!!
by Paladin
Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

Arizona Audit 74,000 Main-In Ballots Were Never Mailed

Arizona working to decertify their bogus election results.
by Paladin
Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA
Replies: 270
Views: 77365

Re: The Stolen Election, Part One: AMERICAN PRAVDA

What the Democrats used to say about voting machines:

Guess it's convenient to forget that down the memory hole

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