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NOTICE: TexasCHLforum Day Photographs & Videos

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:18 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
A couple of members have raised the issue of photographs and video recording of participants in the TexasCHLforum Day at PSC, neither of whom are registered for the event. So there is no misunderstanding or confusion, there will be people taking photos and video recording throughout the event. We have never had anyone object or raise an issue, but since it has been raised here on the forum, I want to address it now.

The purpose for offering the TexasCHLforum Day at PSC is to promote safe, responsible and enjoyable ownership and use of firearms through education and training. That's why the PSC Shooting Club generously offers its facilities free of charge every year (for 5 years), that's why the event staff work so hard every year, and that's why our very capable instructors volunteer their time. We use photographs and video to show the general public that gun owners are not black-clad ninjas, rather they are everyday people from all walks of life and age group who enjoy guns for recreation and/or responsibly carry firearms for self-defense. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

That said, if anyone does not want to be photographed or videoed (from the front), then let Marc know when you sign-in Friday evening or Saturday morning and your badge will be marked so that everyone knows to honor your desire. Please note two things. First, we cannot and do not control participants in terms of who they photograph, but we will ask that they honor our system. (Staff who are photographing/video recording will certainly honor anyone's desire not to be photographed.) Secondly, photograph restrictions will apply only to a person's face; we will not restrict photos or video that do not show someone's face.

I hope this policy adequately addresses any concerns our participants may have about promoting this event through the use of photos and videos.


P.S. If you don't want to be photographed, don't bother posting that here. Just email or tell him when you check-in.