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Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:19 am
by cw3van
Let me again say this is the best forum concerning our 2A. I have looked at others not even in the same ballpark as this one. Folks on here are able to express opinions useing the proper guidelines. If you have a question or need help in an area people on here will try to assist. I enjoy this forum very much being able to see what others have to say & think on our 2A along with many other gun related topics doesn't mean we agree on everything also doesn't mean we're fighting just expressing our thoughts on these subjects. Thanks Charles & other senior members for all y'all do.

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:08 am
by RottenApple
MasterOfNone wrote:Technically, both OC and CC would affect every licensee, they would all be able to legally _____. But the practical question of which would BENEFIT the most people can only be determined by asking all of them. Personally, I am not a student but I would be more likely to carry on a campus than to OC.

I'm not a student either and would be unlikely to OC very often (although I would like it as an option). But I think that Campus Carry would benefit more CHLs than OC would. I'd like to see both Campus Carry and OC pass this year provided there are good bills for each and NO modifications to 30.06. But if only one can pass, then it really should be Campus Carry.

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:59 am
by johnferg69
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
johnferg69 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
johnferg69 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
johnferg69 wrote:
tbrown wrote:I'm disappointed at seeing another attempt to get pro gun people to fight against each other instead of fighting together to defeat the anti gun enemies.
That is exactly what disturbs me when I visit this forum. Instead of everyone banning together to expand our gun rights we pick what's important to us and throw the others under the bus.
Then how do you stomach You post there and virtually everyone sees open-carry as an issue that everyone should support regardless of how horrible a particular bill may be. Everyone who expresses any concerns are ridiculed. wants everyone to band together to push for open-carry to the exclusion of anything and everything else, regardless of potential unintended consequences.

Why the double standard for and

Are you referring to the 2 threads there since my Jan '13 join date were I've questioned Rep. Lavenders OC bill and commented it needed work?
I'm talking about the and the overall attitude expressed by its posters/members, just as I said. If TexasCHLforum "disturbs" you, how can you read or post there?

Maybe for the same reason you know I've posted there.
It's clear you aren't going to answer the question and we both know why.

My original comment was aimed at people who are only willing to support pro-gun legislation that effect them only. Is campus carry going to effect me at this point in time? No. But I'm going to support it anyway because it expands the pro-gun communities rights. I believe we need to be united in all our efforts. What "disturbs" me is the people who don't think this way.

Now, about You quizzed me about it so I'll give you a more thorough answer. I've never mentioned it on this forum, you have repeatedly. I went to see what all the hoopla was about since it gets mentioned so often. I read, I posted on 2 (two) threads questioning Rep. Lavenders bill and never went back till you questioned me on it. I wasn't over there commenting on this forum, anyone on it or you. Why you felt the need to target and question me in this is beyond me. Just because I posted on a forum you don't like that makes me an evil agent with ulterior motives? Given your questioning you must think so.

Yes, I'm for OC. And yes, I'm urged people to support it but I've stated several times on this forum that I want a responsible OC bill. If that makes me a fringe OC kook that has no place on your forum so be it!

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:04 am
by Charles L. Cotton
johnferg69 wrote: My original comment was aimed at people who are only willing to support pro-gun legislation that effect them only. Is campus carry going to effect me at this point in time? No. But I'm going to support it anyway because it expands the pro-gun communities rights. I believe we need to be united in all our efforts. What "disturbs" me is the people who don't think this way.

Now, about You quizzed me about it so I'll give you a more thorough answer. I've never mentioned it on this forum, you have repeatedly. I went to see what all the hoopla was about since it gets mentioned so often. I read, I posted on 2 (two) threads questioning Rep. Lavenders bill and never went back till you questioned me on it. I wasn't over there commenting on this forum, anyone on it or you. Why you felt the need to target and question me in this is beyond me. Just because I posted on a forum you don't like that makes me an evil agent with ulterior motives? Given your questioning you must think so.

Yes, I'm for OC. And yes, I'm urged people to support it but I've stated several times on this forum that I want a responsible OC bill. If that makes me a fringe OC kook that has no place on your forum so be it!
You need to reread your post about why coming to "this forum" disturbs you and my question as to how you can stomach that actually is guilty of what you falsely accused TexasCHLforum Members of doing. Until now, all you done is respond to my question with snide, cryptic comments. Now you want to play the victim.

TexasCHLforum Members have differing opinions about open-carry and no one is ridiculed or attacked. That's hardly the case on, yet you haven't cautioned those folks about supporting only open-carry and "throw[ing]the others under the buss" as you expressly stated we do here on the Forum. You have a place here on the Forum, regardless of your position on any gun issue. Falsely accusing our Members of being single-minded and "throwing others under the buss" isn't so welcome.


Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:55 am
by dicion
RottenApple wrote:
MasterOfNone wrote:Technically, both OC and CC would affect every licensee, they would all be able to legally _____. But the practical question of which would BENEFIT the most people can only be determined by asking all of them. Personally, I am not a student but I would be more likely to carry on a campus than to OC.

I'm not a student either and would be unlikely to OC very often (although I would like it as an option). But I think that Campus Carry would benefit more CHLs than OC would. I'd like to see both Campus Carry and OC pass this year provided there are good bills for each and NO modifications to 30.06. But if only one can pass, then it really should be Campus Carry.

I would most likely not OC even if it were passed, MWAG calls are not something I want to have to deal with in Houston, even if it was legal, you can bet that they'll happen.
However, I do spent time on College Campuses for various reasons.

I would prefer to be able to carry MORE places, concealed, than LESS places, openly.
That's really the overall crux of the argument.

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:34 am
by Panda
I would prefer to have more choices about where and how I exercise my right to keep and bear arms without arbitrary and unconstitutional infringing. We wouldnt have to pick and choose what rights we get back if Texans cared enough to elect pro gun legislators.

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:07 pm
by FormerTSgt

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:37 pm
snatchel wrote:I look at it like this:

If open carry fails, nothing really changes. I can still carry concealed--unless i'm on a campus. While I don't gain anything, I certainly don't lose anything.

If campus carry fails, nothing really changes. I can still carry concealed--unless i'm on a campus. I don't gain anything, but I lose the option to carry when i'm on campus.

I'm trying to look at the bigger picture. Campus carry affects more people personally, myself included. As much as I would love to open carry at times, i'd rather be able to concealed carry on campus all the time.
My sentiments exactly

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:45 pm
by Beiruty
We would like to have both pass. Then, I can open carry at BBQ parties.

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:21 pm
by MeMelYup
Beiruty wrote:We would like to have both pass. Then, I can open carry at BBQ parties.
Only if the engraving is gold inlayed with a few precious stones mounted foe additional effect.

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:13 pm
by Beiruty
MeMelYup wrote:
Beiruty wrote:We would like to have both pass. Then, I can open carry at BBQ parties.
Only if the engraving is gold inlayed with a few precious stones mounted foe additional effect.
Will this pass your acid-test?

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:12 pm
by SewTexas
DANG! I"D OC that!!!! :thumbs2:

(or the lilac LC9 I would love to find)

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:06 am
by baseballguy2001
Ok, it's been a couple of months since this thread started, and it looks like (to me anyway) we may not get open or campus carry this time around. So, tell me, what did we gain this session?

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:34 am
by jmra
baseballguy2001 wrote:Ok, it's been a couple of months since this thread started, and it looks like (to me anyway) we may not get open or campus carry this time around. So, tell me, what did we gain this session?

Re: OC v CHL

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:35 am
by Beiruty
baseballguy2001 wrote:Ok, it's been a couple of months since this thread started, and it looks like (to me anyway) we may not get open or campus carry this time around. So, tell me, what did we gain this session?
most like nothing for gun rights, maybe 4hrs instead of 10hrs for the CHL course.