Health Need: Diabetes

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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by Keith B »

Prayers for your lovely wife. She is a strong woman in will and faith. I know she will overcome this bump in the road and deal with it well. :thumbs2:
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by Tracker »

92f-fan wrote:
Tracker wrote: Type II diabetes comes from the body developing insulin resistance.

While genetics plays a roll in who is more prone to getting Type II D nobody is distend to get it. It's brought on by diet, eating too much starch and sugar which overwhelms the pancreas's ability to produce insulin.

Some people have been able to reverse type II.
I have to disagree with all of this -
Lots of it is wives tales and popular culture - reminds me of the the cinnamon cure.

Some of Type II, is due in part, to insulin resistance. However its MUCH more complicated than that. Diabetes is a VERY complex still not very well understood disease. Insulin was discovered and refined almost 100 years ago yet we still havent beaten the disease.

Type II is NOT brought on by diet alone. There are MANY Type IIs who are skinny, always have been, and eat very carefully.

No one ,who ever was diagnosed diabetic, EVER, reversed it and was cured. They may have normalized BG but they are not cured.

My BG right now ironically is 100 and has been for a few min. Am I cured ?

Its these kinds of misconceptions that I even heard from Dentists and ER docs and Plastic surgeons etc etc that were the reason I encouraged Chas to visit a board certified specialist and his team.
What I've gotten from doc's like Attia is that it isn't obieity that causes type I I. Both of which are symptoms/results of metabolic syndrome. And people who aren't over weight but have metabolic syndrome appear to be more prone to type II. The thinking, the hypotheses, is getting obese is the body protecting itself from the metaboilc affects.

People with metabolic syndrome are prone to 8 diseases, one of which is type II" onclick=";return false;

I didn't say they cured it. I said, and the links I posted said,bthey reversed their symptoms. Those beta cells do not regenerate
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by puma guy »

Prayers for you wife and that she will be able to get her blood sugar under control with oral meds, exercise and diet. My Type II onset was sudden and dramatic and was totally unexpected since I had suffered hypoglycemia almost my entire life. I have struggled keeping my A1C in line but finally have a combination of meds that brought it down to 6.4. Not great but better than it's been. My twin brother was struck several years after I was and was hospitalized for several days when it hit him. I know what your wife is going through and sympathize with her. Again praying for a good outcome.
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


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Will be praying for her Charles.
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by RPBrown »

Charles, prayers have been sent for both you and your wife. Her for healing and acceptance and you for patience and understanding.
I know it is a trying time but the Lord will comfort you both
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by PBR »

I was diagnosed with diabetes at the start of this year. Of course I'm over weight and also not even close to as active as I use to be, thus both leading me to getting it. They put me on metformin and like someone mentioned earlier in the thread the side effects of it are killer. For about a month straight nothing but stomach issues such as cramps or like bubble gut feeling, bloatness feeling and just to be straight forward the worst diarrhea ever. After a month or so it somewhat leveled out, still have issues from time to time but not everyday like in the start of taking it. I hope and pray she can get a hold of it and stay of medicines. I have tried to be more active but with the injuries suffered from a wreck it's tough. I can be somewhat active for a day but then end up laid up for couple days from pain and aches. I wish ya'll the best and hope you get past it.
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by Lumberjack98 »

Prayers for Mrs. Cotton!
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by 92f-fan »

Tracker wrote:
I didn't say they cured it. I said, and the links I posted said, they reversed their symptoms. Those beta cells do not regenerate
again more mis information and confusion

Beta cells arent the issue with most type II

In type I the beta cells are attacked by the bodies immune system - but recent studies show that type 1's with long term disease are still making beta cells - the body is still killing them.

Which is why work by people like Dr Faustman ... e-research" onclick=";return false;
is promising because if we can stop the auto immune attack it could reverse the symptoms and in fact the beta function could return.

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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by Tracker »

92f-fan wrote:
Tracker wrote:
I didn't say they cured it. I said, and the links I posted said, they reversed their symptoms. Those beta cells do not regenerate
again more mis information and confusion

Beta cells arent the issue with most type II

In type I the beta cells are attacked by the bodies immune system - but recent studies show that type 1's with long term disease are still making beta cells - the body is still killing them.

Which is why work by people like Dr Faustman ... e-research" onclick=";return false;
is promising because if we can stop the auto immune attack it could reverse the symptoms and in fact the beta function could return.
Type II doesn't run in my family but cardiovascular disease does. Both of those are largely preventable. ... statistics" onclick=";return false; "Type 2 diabetes is a common and increasingly prevalent illness that is largely preventable. In adults, type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90 to 95 percent of all diagnosed cases of diabetes; the remainder are adult-onset (or adult-diagnosed) type 1 diabetes, a form of diabetes for which the cause is unknown."

Both of those are related to metabolic syndrome. And a blood marker for that is high triglycerides and low HDL. Because I read up on Metabolic Syndrome for cardio reasons Type II gets mentioned a lot. ... abetes.pdf" onclick=";return false;
People also need to be aware of metabolic syndrome, a
condition that can be a precursor to diabetes, also know
as pre-diabetes. Left untreated, these two conditions can
cause severe health problems and can shorten lives.

Diabetes is a problem related to how your body uses
sugar. It is a serious medical problem. There are several
types of diabetes—we will focus on the adult-onset type,
also called Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes results from
cells in a person’s body failing to use insulin properly.
Insulin enables cells in the body to use glucose (a kind of
sugar) to turn it into energy. In Type 2 diabetes, the rising
glucose levels seen in the bloodstream are an indicator
that the body is not using insulin well. Being overweight,
especially around the middle and abdomen area, is the
most common underlying cause of adult-onset diabetes
Having a family history of adult-onset diabetes is another
risk. By becoming more active and engaging in a weight-
loss program, you may be able to halt and even reverse
adult-onset diabetes
. Talk with your health care provider
before beginning an exercise program.

I underlined cause because there are researchers who question that being overweight around the middle isn't the cause of type II (or heart disease) but another outward symptom of Metabolic Syndrome.

What raises triglicerides and lowers HDL? Starches and sugars. Carbs raise triglicerides VLDL, and pattern B LDL. Saturated fat raises pattern A LDL and HDL. Eating a high-fat, low-carb diet lowers triglycerides and raises HDL.

20+ years ago I had these personal questions: The average male only stores 2000 calories of glucose/glycogen (I use those words interchangeably), 100 grams in the liver and 400 grams in muscle. Once glucose inters the muscle cells it stays there until it's burned, mostly through anaerobic activity. Evolutionary argument is that it's stored there for flight or fight. The liver, however, gives up glucose/glycogen to regulate blood sugar. At 4 calories per gram, then, the liver only stores about 400 calories worth of glucose. So if a person isn't burning that much muscle glycogen every day, why is the government guidelines telling us to eat 60-70% of our daily calories as carbs? Does the average person really burning through that much glucose everyday, and if we are how did our hunter/gatherer ancestors get the carbs they needed? And what about bodyfat, do we not burn that too, is body fat that inefficient a fuel source? It just didn't make sense to me...but I trusted the medical establishment. The other questions I had related saturated fat: if eating saturated fat is so damaging to the cardiovascular system why do we make it and store that way? And if eating saturated fat causes cardiovascular wouldn't dieting off your own stored fat also cause it? If a person was told to lose 100lb of fat in the next 300 days the amount of saturated fatty acids entering the arteries is the equivalent of eating more than a stick of butter every day. Why does eating cause cardiovascular disease but dieting does not?

As it turns out, those were valid questions. So you take someone like Peter Attia MD who workout 3 hours per day eating the government pyramid guideline and still developed metabolic syndrome with difficulty regulating his insulin who then radically changes his diet to low carb, high fat and his blood work gets better. The dexa scan tech said he had the lowest visceral fat of anyone he measured.

Here's his self experimenting and his story. If he's wrong I'd like to know why...esp because I can relate to his family's heart disease?
" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by Tracker »

See the podcast
Episode 273 – Prof. Tim Noakes – Real Meal Revolution" onclick=";return false;

Professor Noakes MD has type II diabetes. It runs in his family. Most of his career he's famous for research on endurance sports. Noakes wrote The Lore of Running, considered the bible on running, and is know for promoting carb loading. He has since done a 180 on carbohydrate promotion and has now switched to a low carb high fat diet to manage his diabetes.

what you get a sense of in this article is why I say doctors are going to tote the line on advice, even if they personally believe that advice is wrong. If he/she goes against (government) conventional wisdom they face disciplinary action and could lose their license to practice medicine. ... -on-trial/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by Jumping Frog »

My A1c used to run about 11.5 (average blood sugar of about 286), triglycerides as high as 1100, and I was on 160 units of insulin per day.

My A1c today is 4.9 (average blood sugar of about 94), triglycerides are 65, and I have been off any insulin and any other prescription medications for a long time.

I've been in your classes before and you know what I used to look like. You wouldn't recognize me now.

If your wife eats the standard ADA (American Diabetes Association) recommended diet, it will kill her.

Bottom line, she needs to cut out all grains, legumes, and sugar. Replace her processed carb calories with quality fats (and don't be scared of quality saturated fats)

The earliest diabetes doctor to write about this approach is the well-known Dr. Bernstein, going back to the early '80's. Other books that explain the mechanism and are quality books include (but not limited to):

Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars

Dr. Perlmutter Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar

Mark Sisson: The Primal Blueprint: Reprogram your genes for effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and boundless energy

Nora T. Gedgaudas Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life

I listed 4 books here, but I could have just as easily listed another dozen. There are also websites, forums, and podcasts covering this movement back to "real food".

Bottom line, if she changes lifestyle factors including diet, she will not only resolve her diabetes, she will also greatly reduce her risk of Alzheimers, cancer, obesity, and heart disease as well. All of them ("the diseases of civilization") have inflammation as the underlying cause. I'd be glad to discuss further with you in person or via telephone if you desire.
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by twomillenium »

I too am a type II diabetic, diagnosed in 03. One of the most important things that helped me control was learning and living that not all sugars are carbs but all carbs are sugars.
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by Jim Beaux »

Tracker wrote:See the podcast
Episode 273 – Prof. Tim Noakes – Real Meal Revolution" onclick=";return false;

Professor Noakes MD has type II diabetes. It runs in his family. Most of his career he's famous for research on endurance sports. Noakes wrote The Lore of Running, considered the bible on running, and is know for promoting carb loading. He has since done a 180 on carbohydrate promotion and has now switched to a low carb high fat diet to manage his diabetes.

what you get a sense of in this article is why I say doctors are going to tote the line on advice, even if they personally believe that advice is wrong. If he/she goes against (government) conventional wisdom they face disciplinary action and could lose their license to practice medicine. ... -on-trial/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Health Need: Diabetes


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Tracker, you need to knock it off, and go have this discussion elsewhere. This is a thread requesting PRAYER. It is NOT a forum for your personal campaign to change how America eats. Seriously..... take it somewhere else. You're out of line here.

Charles, your wife will be in both my wife's and my prayers, and we trust in the Great Physician.
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